Maria Myrstener
Co-Course leader, MSc course Forest Ecosystem Ecology (SLU)
Other teaching:
Forest ecology (BSc, SLU)
The main focus of my research is drivers of productivity and biogeochemical interactions between primary producers and their environment in running waters in the Boreal and Arctic. In my post-doc project I work with effects of forestry on freshwaters and the downstream propagation of clear cut effects in particular. In my PhD project I answered questions about fundamental aquatic ecological processes such as drivers of productivity and use of resources, in a landscape under rapid change due to climate warming. More specifically, I studied how nutrients and carbon are utilized and cycled within arctic and boreal freshwaters and how it effects productivity over different spatial and temporal scales.
PhD Physical Geography. 2021. EMG, Umeå, Sweden
MSc Geoecology. 2015. EMG, Umeå, Sweden
BSc Biology and Earth Science. 2012. EMG, Umeå, Sweden
Selected publications
Spatial and temporal patterns of stream nutrient limitation in an Arctic catchment. Haputmann, D. and Myrstener M. Hydrobiologia. 2023
Contrasting impacts of warming and browning on periphyton. Puts, I. C., Ask, J., Myrstener, M., & Bergström, A. K. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 2023.
Resolving the Drivers of Algal Nutrient Limitation from Boreal to Arctic Lakes and Streams. Myrstener, M.; Fork, M. L.; Bergström, A.; Puts, I. C.; Hauptmann, D.; Isles, P. D. F.; Burrows, R. M.; and Sponseller, R. A. Ecosystems. 2022.
Nitrogen supply and physical disturbance shapes Arctic stream nitrogen uptake through effects on metabolic activity. Myrstener, M.; Thomas, S.A; Giesler, R.; and Sponseller, R. A. Freshwater Biology. 2021.
Nutrients influence seasonal metabolic patterns and total productivity of Arctic streams. Myrstener, M.; Gómez‐Gener, L.; Rocher‐Ros, G.; Giesler, R.; and Sponseller, R. A. Limnology and Oceanography. 2020.
Stream metabolism controls diel patterns and evasion of CO 22 in Arctic streams. Rocher‐Ros, G.; Sponseller, R. A.; Bergström, A.; Myrstener, M.; and Giesler, R. Global Change Biology. 2020.
Persistent nitrogen limitation of stream biofilm communities along climate gradients in the arctic. Myrstener, M.; Rocher-Ros, G.; Burrows, R. M.; Bergström, A.; Giesler, R.; and Sponseller, R. A. Global Change Biology. 2018.
The effects of temperature and resource availability on denitrification and relative N2O production in boreal lake sediments. Myrstener, M.; Jonsson, A.; and Bergström, A. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016.