Marlén Tälleklint

I work with administrative support for teachers, registration and updating of information in Ladok, and publishing of student projects in SLU's open access archive Epsilon. I am also responsible for the department’s archive.
I have a bachelor’s degree in biology from Umeå University and I have also worked in research projects concerning sustainable community development at this department.
Selected publications
Berg P.G., Hedfors P. & Tälleklint M. (2003) Intersensory Conception in Landscape Design – Biodiversity of Therapeutic Gardens, in Town Planning and in a New Synaesthesis Laboratory. Report to Formas 9 March 2005.
Berg P.G. & Tälleklint M. (2005) Gottsunda och kretsloppen – om att införa hållbara spillvattensystem i miljonprogrammets bostäder. Forskningsprogrammet Urban Water Rapport 2005:3 Chalmers Tekniska Högskola.
Kärrman E., Berg P.G., Olin B., Palme U., Rydhagen B., Schönning C., Söderberg H., Tälleklint M. (2005) Uthålliga spillvattensystem i Uppsala. Forskningsprogrammet Urban Water Rapport 2005:9 Chalmers Tekniska Högskola