Martin Schroeder

My research mainly concerns the following areas:
- drivers of the population dynamics of the spruce bark beetle
- key factors influencing biological invasions
- ecological risks with introduced tree species
The aim of my research is to develop sustainable and cost-efficient methods to reduce the risk for forest damages caused by insect pests. Some questions addressed for the spruce bark beetle are: (i) How much storm-felled spruce trees can be retained in the forest after a storms without risking initiation of large scale outbreaks? (ii) How do population dynamics differ between southern and northern Sweden? (iii) Will climate change influence the risk for damages? For invasive species importance of propagule pressure (i.e. number of arriving individuals) and habitat configuration for probability of establishment are studied. For introduced tree species the risk for damages caused by native bark beetles and the value of dead wood of introduced tree species for the biodiversity of beetles and fungi are studied.
Professor in forest entomology at SLU (2008)
Docent (Associate Professor) at SLU (1992)
ForD in forest entomology at SLU SLU (1988)
Main supervisor od PhD students
Simon Kärvemo, PhD 2015 – Outbreak dynamics of the spruce bark beetle in time and space
Line B Djupström, PhD 2010 – Conservation of saproxylic species – an evaluation of set-asides and substrates in boreal forests
Erik Sahlin, PhD 2009 – Habitat requirements of saproxylic beetles on aspen
Anders Lindhe, PhD 2004 – Conservation through management – cut wood as substrate for saproxylic organisms
Per Olof Hedgren, PhD 2002 – Dead wood retention and risk of bark beetle attacks
Co-supervisor of PhD students
Cornelia Roberge, PhD 2017 - Inventory strategies for forest damages
Diana Rubene, PhD 2014 – Insect diversity on clearcuts in boreal forest landscapes
Ylva Strid, PhD 2012 – Bark beetle facilitate the establishment of rot fungi in Norway spruce
Selected publications
Recent publications
Birkhof K et al. Methods to identify the prey of invertebrate predators in terrestrial field studies. Ecology and Evolution, in press.
Marini L, Økland B, Jönsson AM, Bentz B, Carroll A, Forster B, Grégoire J-C, Hurling R, Nageleisen LM, Netherer S, Ravn HP, Weed A, Schroeder M. (2017) Climate drivers of bark beetle outbreak dynamics in Norway spruce forests. Ecography (doi: 10.1111/ecog.02769).
Pajares JA, Alvarez G, Hall DR, Ibarra N, Hoch G, Halbig P, Cocos D, Johansson H, Schroeder M (2016) Attractants for management of the pine sawyer beetle Monochamus sutor, a potential vector of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Journal of Applied Entomology (published online 10 may 2016).
Kärvemo S, Johansson V, Schroeder M, Ranius T (2016) Local colonization-extinction dynamics of a tree-killing bark beetle during a large-scale outbreak. Ecosphere 7(3):e01257.10.1002/ecs2.1257
Klapwijk et al (2016) Reducing the risk of invasive forest pests and pathogens. Combining legislation, targeted management and public awareness. Ambio 45: 223-234.
Klapjwijk M, Bylund H, Schroeder M, Björkman C (2016) Forest management and natural biocontrol of insect pests. Forestry 89: 253–262
Ranius T, Korosuo A, Roberge J-M, Juutinen A, Mönkkönen M, Schroeder M (2016) Cost-efficient strategies to preserve dead wood-dependent species in a managed forest landscape. Biological Conservation 204: 197-204.
Ranius T, Mestre, L, Bouget C, Schroeder M (2016) Fragmentation effects on species associated with disturbed forest habitats: implications for stump harvesting. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research (published online 16 September 2016).
Schroeder M, Dalin P (2016) Differences in photoperiod-induced diapause plasticity among different populations of the bark beetle Ips typographus and its predator Thanasimus formicarius. Agricultural and Forest Entomology (published online 27 September 2016).
Björklund N, Lindelöw Å, Schroeder ML (2016) Erroneous conclusions about current geographical distribution and future expansion of forest insects in Northern Sweden: Comments on Hof and Svahlin (2015). Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 31: 126-127.
Rubene D, Schroeder M, Ranius T (2015) Diversity patterns of wild bees and wasps in managed boreal forest: effects of spatial structure, local habitat and surrounding landscape. Biological Conservation 184: 201-208.
Rubene D, Schroeder M, Ranius T (2015) Estimating bee and wasp (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) diversity on clear-cuts in forest landscapes – an evaluation of sampling methods. Insect Conservation and Diversity 8: 261-271.
Lindelöw Å, Isacsson G, Ravn HP, Schroeder M (2015) Tetropium gabrieli and Ips cembrae (Coleoptera; Cerambycidae and Curculionidae) –invasion of two potential pest species on larch in Sweden. Entomologisk Tidskrift 136: 103-112.
Rahmani R, Hedenström E, Schroeder M (2015) SPME collection and GC-MS analysis of volatile compounds emitted during attack of male Polygraphus poligraphus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) on Norway spruce. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 70: 265-273.
Ranius T, Johansson V, Schroeder M, Caruso, A (2015) Relative importance of habitat characteristics at multiple spatial scales for wood-dependent beetles in boreal forest. Landscape Ecology 30: 1931-1942.
Björkman C, Bylund H, Nordlander G, Schroeder M, Nilsson U (2015) Effects of new forest management on insect damage risk in a changing climate. In: Climate change and insect pests 248-266.
Sutherland W J et al (2014) Solution Scanning as a Key Policy Tool: Identifying Management Interventions to Help Maintain and Enhance Regulating Ecosystem Services. Ecology and Society 19 (2): 3.
Strid Y, Schroeder M, Lindahl B, Ihrmark K, Stenlid J (2014) Bark beetles have a decisive impact on fungal community in Norway spruce stem sections. Fungal Ecology 7: 47-58.
Kärvemo S, Boeckel TP, Gilbert M, Gregoire JC, Schroeder M (2014) Large-scale risk mapping of an eruptive bark beetle – importance of forest susceptibility and beetle pressure. Forest Ecology and Management 318: 158-166.
Kärvemo S, Rogell B, Schroeder M (2014) Dynamics of spruce bark beetle infestation spots: Importance of local population size and landscape characteristics after a storm disturbance. Forest Ecology and Management 334: 232-240.
Jonsell M, Schroeder M (2014) Proportions of saproxylic beetle populations that utilise clear-cut stumps in a boreal landscape - Biodiversity implications for stump harvest. Forest Ecology and Management 334: 313-320.