CV page

Matthew J. Jacobson

Matthew Jacobson
On 12th December 2022, I have started a postdoctoral research position at the Division of Agrarian History. I am originally an archaeologist and my research is focused on palaeoclimate reconstructions and the impacts of climate changes on past agriculture and societies.


I am a collaborator on the research project "The agricultural history of East and Southeast Asia", with Janken Myrdal and Karin Holmgren. My current task is to examine evidence for changing climatic conditions to assess natural influences on subsistence shifts/patterns within a side project entitled "Palaeoclimate Change, the Evolution of Monsoon Dynamics, and Societal Impacts in Southeast Asia".

Additionally, I am PI for the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond funded project "Surviving Aridification: a Framework for Ancient Resilience (SAFAR)" (P24-0183), in collaboration with Martin Finné from the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Uppsala University. This project aims to develop a quantitative framework to understand the resilience of past communities impacted by aridification.

I am also contributing to several smaller side projects:

  • Ottoman tax records and land use in the Konya Plain, Turkey, with John Wainwright and Dan Lawrence (Durham University, UK), Michele Massa (Bilkent University, Turkey), İlker Yiğit (Burdur Mehmet Akid Ersoy University, Turkey)
  • Speleothem meta-analysis from SW Asia: (1) Climatic constraints on speleothem deposition and (2) comparative analysis of proximate archaeological evidence, with Sam Nicholson (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany) and others
  • Challenges in understanding climate change impacts through Roman and Byzantine archaeology, with Jordan Pickett (University of Georgia, USA)
  • Developing a deeper understanding of palaeoclimate proxy data and linking this to evidence for societal change, with Martin Finné (Uppsala University)



Q4 2022: GIS Specialist, Department of Geography, Durham University, Durham, UK

Q3 2022: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Division of Natural Sciences, German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Berlin, Germany

2022: Lecturer and Research Associate, Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

2017-2022: PhD Archaeology and Palaeoclimatology – "Climate change and socio-economic transformations in the Late Antique Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East", supervised by Prof. Dominik Fleitmann (Basel University) and Prof. Alison Gascoigne (University of Southampton) – University of Reading, England, UK.

2016-2017: MSc Environmental Archaeology (Distinction), University of Reading, Reading, England, UK

2013-2016: BSc (Hons) Archaeological Science (First Class), University of Reading, Reading, England, UK


Selected publications


Currently (18th September 2024), I have published 5 peer-reviewed journal articles as primary author and 5 more as co-author:


Jacobson, M.J., Seguin, J., and Finné, M. Holocene hydroclimate synthesis of the Aegean: diverging patterns, dry periods and implications for climate-society interactions. The Holocene 0 (Online First): 1-17. 

Jacobson, M.J., Chawchai, S., Scholz, D., Riechelmann, D.F.C., Vonhof, H., Holmgren, K., et al., Speleothem records from western Thailand reveal a rapid response of the Indian Summer Monsoon to the Younger Dryas Termination. Quaternary Science Reviews 330: 108597. 



Jacobson, M.J. Archaeological evidence for community resilience and sustainability: a bibliometric assessment. Sustainability 14(24): 16591. 

Jacobson, M.J., Pickett, J., Gascoigne, A.L., Elton, H., and Fleitmann, D. Settlement, environment, and climate change in SW Anatolia: dynamics of regional variation and the end of Antiquity. PLOS ONE 17(6): e0270295.

Fleitmann, D., Haldon, J., Bradley, R.S., Burns, S.J., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., Raible, C.C., Jacobson, M.J., et al., Droughts, societal change, and a context for the emergence of Islam in late Antique Arabia. Science 376 (6599): 1317-1321.



Nicholson, S.L., Jacobson, M.J., Hosfield, R., and Fleitmann, D. The stalagmite record of southern Arabia: climatic extremes, human evolution and societal development. Frontiers in Earth Science 9: 749488.

Jacobson, M.J., Flohr, P., Gascoigne, A.L., Leng, M.J., Aleksey, S., Cheng, H., et al., Heterogenous late Holocene climate in the Eastern Mediterranean – the Kocain Cave record from SW Turkey. Geophysical Research Letters 48: e2021GL094733.



Fohlmeister, J., Voarintsoa, N.R.G., Lechleitner, F.A., Boyd, M., Brandstätter, S., Jacobson, M.J., et al., Main controls on the stable carbon isotope composition of speleothems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 279: 67-87.



Altaweel, M., Marsh, A., Jotheri, J., Hritz, C., Fleitmann, D., Rost, S., Lintner, S.F., Gibson, M., Bosomworth, M., Jacobson, M.J., et al., New insights on the role of environmental dynamics shaping southern Mesopotamia: From the Pre-Ubaid to the Early Islamic Period. Iraq 81: 23–46.

Burstyn, Y., Martrat, B., Lopez, Jordi, F., Iriarte, E., Jacobson, M.J., et al., Speleothems from the Middle East: An Example of Water Limited Environments in the SISAL Database. Quaternary 2(2):16. 



Jacobson, M.J., Gascoigne, A.L., and Fleitmann, D. The climatic resilience of the Sasanian Empire. Human Ecology. (accepted.)

Nicholson, S., Jacobson, M.J., Schroeder, J., Markowska, M., Vonhof, H. and Haug, G. No simple climatic threshold for speleothem deposition in SW Asia. Geology. (submitted.)

Finné, M. and Jacobson, M.J. Proxies and their pitfalls: Paleoclimate reconstructions in the ancient Mediterranean. In: Brock, A. and Post, R. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Approaches to the Ancient Mediterranean World. (submitted.)

Jacobson, M.J. and Finné, M. Understanding the impact of past aridification on societies in Western Asia. In: Lawrence, D., Bradbury, J., Glatz, C. and Harmanşah, Ö. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Rural and Landscape Archaeology in Western Asia. (in progress.)



Postdoctor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History
Postal address:
Inst för stad och land
Box 7012
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Ulls väg 27, Uppsala