Maximilian Schulte

My background lies in geography and bioeconomy from where I developed my strong interest in life cycle assessment and climate change mitigation of the forest sector. Recently, my PhD work has focused on climate effects steered by Nordic forest management, and potential climate benefits from substitution via additional wooden buildings in projected Swedish housing demand.
I assist in teaching and supervision in the following SLU courses:
SG0222 Operations Management of the Forest Supply Chain
TN0313 Life Cycle Assessment for Environmental Engineering
TN0284 Bioenergy - Technology and Systems
LV0103 Prospects and Challenges for Sustainable Food Systems
M.Sc. Bioeconomy. 2019. University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
B.Sc. Geography. 2017. University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Selected publications
Schulte, M., Jonsson, R., Eggers, J., Hammar, T., Stendahl, J., Hansson, P.-A., (2023): Demand-driven climate change mitigation and trade-offs from wood product substitution: The case of Swedish multi-family housing construction. Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138487.
Schulte, M., Jonsson, R., Hammar, T., Stendahl, J., Hansson, P.-A., (2022): Nordic forest management towards climate change mitigation: time dynamic temperature change impacts of wood product systems including substitution effects. European Journal of Forest Research, DOI: 10.1007/s10342-022-01477-1.
Schulte, M., Hammar, T., Stendahl, J., Seleborg, M., & Hansson, P.-A. (2021). Time dynamic climate impacts of a eucalyptus pulp product: Life cycle assessment including biogenic carbon and substitution effects. Global Change Biology Bioenergy,
Schulte, M., Lewandowski, I., Pude, R., Wagner, M. (2021). Comparative life cycle assessment of bio-based insulation materials: Environmental and economic performances. GCB Bioenergy.
Schulte, M., Harutyunyan, A. (2020). Drivers of Forest Cover Developments in Armenia: A Potential Afforestation Scenario of the Getik River Basin (GAtES)