Mia Ågren

In fall 2018 I started as PhD student at the Institution for Urban and Rural Development at SLU Ultuna, in Uppsala, focusing on landscape architecture and planning and its link to structural inequality.
In my PhD project, I focus on the relationship between social sustainability policy, anti-racist ideology and green space planning practice in Uppsala Municipality. I specifically focus on Uppsala municipality and ongoing projects.
I hold a bachelor degree in sociology and sustainable development from Uppsala university. My master is from SLU and in environmental communication in which I focused my thesis on "Why the whiteness in outdoor recreation?".
My supervision team includes: Mattias Qviström, Katarina Salzman, Burcu Yigit Turan and Stephanie Leder.
Selected publications
Yigit-Turan & Ågren (2022). Segregation and landscape injustice in the shadows of white planning and green exceptionalism in Sweden. Urban Matters. https://urbanmattersjournal.com/segregation-and-landscape-injustice-in-the-shadows-of-white-planning-and-green-exceptionalism-in-sweden/
Arora-Jonsson, S., & Ågren, M. (2019). Bringing diversity to nature: Politicizing gender, race and class in environmental organizations? Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2(4), 874–898. https://doi.org/10.1177/2514848619866381