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Miguel Romero

Miguel Romero
I am a PhD student in Crop Production Ecology focusing on climate change mitigation strategies in cropping systems. I am a Research Team Leader in the Multifunctional Landscapes Research Area at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). My expertise lies in monitoring environmental impacts and validating agronomic best management practices across Latin America.


PhD Student, Department of Crop Production Ecology

Research Team Leader - International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)


International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Colombia Country Lead of the CGIAR initiative, Mitigate+.

Component leader “Crop management techniques and other technological options and their scaling to increase resilience and mitigation” in the Green Climate Fund Project “Climate-smart initiatives for climate change adaptation and sustainability in prioritized agricultural production systems in Colombia (CISCAP)”.

Coordinator of the Sustainable Amazonian Landscape Project funded by the International Climate Initiative of Germany (IKI).


Graduate education: M.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences - Crop physiology. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Undergraduate education: Bc.S. Agronomist. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Selected publications

  • Erwan Sachet, Ole Mertz, Martha Vanegas, Gisella S. Cruz-Garcia, Marcela Beltran, Yimi Katherine Angel-Sanchez, Yuly Catalina Zapata, Patrick Lavelle, Antonio Solarte, Juan Carlos Suarez, Faver Alvarez, Miguel Romero, Adrian Rico, Leidi Sierra & Marcela Quintero (2023) Codesigning sustainable land uses: framing participatory methods for research and development projects, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 47:3, 413-440,
  • Perez Marulanda, Lisset and Rudbeck Jepsen, Martin and Löhr, Katharina and Morales, Héctor and Quintero, Marcela and Romero, Miguel and Castro-Nunez, Augusto, A Novel Framework for Measuring Peacebuilding Co-Benefits from Sustainable Production Systems in Conflict-Affected Areas. Available at SSRN: or
  • Kinneen, Lois; Escobar Tello, Maria Paula; Hernandez, Luis Miguel; Thompson, Jill; Ramos-Pastrana, Yardany; Córdoba-Suarez, Eric; Romero-Sanchez, Miguel; Barnes, Andrew; Quintero, Marcela; Garratt, Michael (2023). Silvopastoral systems benefit invertebrate biodiversity on tropical livestock farms in Caquetá, Colombia. Agricultural and Forest Entomology.
  • Del Río Duque ML, Rodríguez T, Pérez Lora AP, Löhr K, Romero M, Castro-Nunez A, Stefan Sieber S, and Bonatti M. (2022). Understanding systemic land use dynamics in conflict-affected territories: The cases of Cesar and Caquetá, Colombia. PLoS ONE 17(5).
  • Rodriguez L, Suárez J, Pulleman M, Guaca L, Rico A, Romero M, Quintero M, and Lavelle P. (2021). Agroforestry systems in the Colombian Amazon improve the provision of soil ecosystem services. Applied Soil Ecology. Volume 164, 2021, 103933, ISSN 0929-1393.
  • Castro-Nunez A, Buriticá A, Gonzalez C, Villarino E, Holmann F, Perez L, Del Río M, Sandoval D, Eufemia L, Löhr K, Durango S, Romero M, Lana M, Sotelo S, Rivera O, Loboguerrero A, and Quintero M. (2021). The risk of unintended deforestation from scaling sustainable livestock production systems. Conservation Science and Practice, 3 (9), e495.
  • Sylvester J, Valencia J, Verchot L, Chirinda N, Romero M, Quintero M, and Castro-Nuñez A. (2020). A rapid approach for informing the prioritization of degraded agricultural lands for ecological recovery: A case study for Colombia. Journal for Nature Conservation, Volume 58, 2020, 125921, ISSN 1617-1381,
  • Pérez Marulanda L, Lavelle P, Rudbeck M, Castro-Nunez A, Francesconi W, Camilo K, Vanegas-Cubillos M, Romero M, Suárez J, Solarte A, and Quintero M. (2020). Farmscape Composition and Livelihood Sustainability in Deforested Landscapes of Colombian Amazonia. Agriculture 10, no. 12: 588.
  • Duran-Bautista E Armbrecht I, Acioli A, Suárez J, Romero M, Quintero M, and Lavelle P. (2020). Termites as indicators of soil ecosystem services in transformed amazon landscapes. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106550.
  • Landholm D, Pradhan P, Wegmann P, Romero M, Suárez J, and Kropp J. (2019). Reducing deforestation and improving livestock productivity: greenhouse gas mitigation potential of silvopastoral systems in Caquetá. Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 114007.
  • Nkurunziza l, Chirinda N, Lana M, Sommer R, Karanja S, Rao I, Romero M, Kuyak S, Quintero M, Lewu F, Joel A, Nyamadzawo G, and Smucker A. (2019). The potential benefits and trade-offs of using sub-surface water retention technology on coarse-textured soils: Impacts of water and nutrient saving on maize production and soil carbon sequestration. Front. Sustain. Food Syst., 06 September 2019 |   


Doctoral Student at the Department of Crop Production Ecology; Agricultural cropping systems
Postal address:
Inst för växtproduktionsekologi, Box 7043
Visiting address: Ulls väg 16, Uppsala

Publications list: