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Nargish Parvin


I am Soil Scientist (Environmental Scientist) by education and I did my master thesis on evaluating conventional and conservation tillage on soil physical properties at SLU. During my PhD (University of Liege, Belgium), I continued working with model and advance methods to evaluate different conservation practices on soil physical, chemical and biological properties. In 2018, I joined as a researcher at the working group of Biogeophysics at SLU and I worked mainly on two different tasks: to estimate surface sealing and consolidation of Swedish harrowed soil based on basic soil texture and soil organic carbon content and secondly, to evaluate the effect of soil compaction on crop yield and ecosystem services. My research interest involves soil and environmental sustainability under changing climate– with a strong focus on agricultural soils. 


I was partially involved in teaching of masters student of soil physics and hydrology courses entitled -

1.       BI1274 HT, 2022: Ekologi för miljö och vatten at SLU (joint program between SLU and Uppsala University) Sweden.

2.       MV0216 (SLU-10207), 2019: Soil water processes in agroecosystems at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.

3.      GEOP0003-2, 2015: Pédogenèse, référentiels internationaux de classification et hydrodynamique des sols at Gembloux Agro-Bio tech of University of Liege, Belgium.


In the current project, I am working on three tasks related to carbon sequestration in agricultural soils: meta-analysis of data from long-term field experiment quantifying subsoil carbon stock change rates, and secondly, to synthesize soil carbon models that explicitly represent subsoil dynamics. The third task is to assess soil carbon balances in three Norwegian long-term grassland experiments ( The first two tasks are internal project within EJP Soil which is a European research consortium ( targeting climate change adaption and mitigation, sustainable agricultural production, ecosystem services and restoration and prevention of land and soil degradation.

Selected publications

1.       Moberg E., Potter H.K., Bolinder M., Kätterer T., Parvin N., Lang R. 2022. Effect of ley inclusion in crop rotations on soil carbon stocks in a life cycle perspective (

2.       Parvin N., Choucheney E., Ing-Marie A., Hans E., Catarina e., Nicholas J., Thomas, K. 2022. On the relationships between the size of agricultural machinery, soil quality and net revenues for farmers and society. Soil Security, 6, 100044.

3. Parvin N., Sandin M., Jarvis N., Larsbo M. 2020. Seedbed consolidation and surface sealing for soils of different texture and soil organic carbon contents. Soil and Tillage Research. still.2020.104849.

4. Meurer K., Barron J., Chenu C., Coucheney E., Fielding M., Hallett P., Hermann A.M., Keller T., Koestel J., Larsbo M., Lewan E., Or D., Parsons D., Parvin N., Taylor A., Vereecken H., Jarvis N. 2020. A review of biological agents and processes regulating soil structure dynamics and a new modelling framework. Global Change Biology 26(10), 5382-5403.

5. Parvin N., 2017. Effect of different crop residue management on soil hydraulic properties - a study in a silt loam soil in Belgium. Doctoral thesis.

6. Parvin N., Beckers E., Plougonven E., Léonard A., Degré A. 2017. Dynamic of soil drying close to saturation: what can we learn from a comparison between X-ray computed microtomography and the evaporation method? Geoderma 302, 66-75.

7. Parvin N., Degré A. 2016. Soil-specific calibration of capacitance sensors considering clay content and bulk density.  Soil Research 54 (1), 111-119.

8. Lemtiri A, Degrune F, Barbieux S, Hiel M.-P., Chélin M., Parvin N., Vandenbol M., Francis F., Colinet G. 2016. Crop residue management in arable cropping systems under temperate climate, Part 1: Soil biological and chemical properties. A review. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 20 (S1), 236-244. 

9. Hiel M.-P., Chélin M, Parvin N., Barbieux S., Degrune F., Lemtiri A.,  Colinet G.,  Degré A.,  Bodson B., Garré S. 2016. Crop residue management in arable cropping systems under temperate climate. Part 2: Soil physical properties and crop production. A review. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 20 (S1), 245-256. 

10. Parvin N., Parvage M.M., Etana A. 2014. Effect of mouldboard ploughing and shallow tillage on sub-soil physical properties and crop performance. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 60, 38–44.
