Nils Lundeheim

My main fields of research and teaching are pig breeding and pig production. My research activities are most often performed in close cooperation with stakeholders, such as the breeding organization Nordic Genetics, Swedish Animal Health Service and the extension platform 'Svenska Pig' (today merged into the organization Farm and Animal Health. I often base by research on data from Swedish pig herds (nucleus herds as well as commercial herds). Focus has always been to identify factors that influence health and welfare of the pigs, and how this negative impact can be reduced.
I was graduated as 'Husdjursagronom' in 1976, presented my PhD-thesis in 1986 ("Pig progeny station testing of disorders and production traits"). In 1998, a got competence as associate professor, and in 2011 I was promoted as professor in animal breeding.
Selected publications
Effects of free-range and confined housing on joint health in a herd of fattening pigs. 2014.
PE Etterlin, B Ytrehus, N Lundeheim, E Heldmer, J Österberg, S Ekman. BMC Veterinary Research, 10:208
A 25 years experience of group-housed sows-reproduction in animal welfare-friendly systems. 2014.
S Einarsson, Y Sjunnesson, F Hultén, L Eliasson-Selling, AM Dalin, N Lundeheim, U Magnusson. Acta Vet Scand 56:37
Shoulder ulcers in sows are genetically correlated to leanness of young pigs and to litter weight.
2014. N Lundeheim, Lundgren & L Rydhmer (2014)
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science, 64:1, 67-72
Genetic analysis of teat number and litter traits in pigs. 2013.
N Lundeheim, H Chalkias, L Rydhmer. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science, 63:3, 121-125
Sow removal in Swedish commercial herds. 2007.
L Engblom, N Lundeheim, AM Dalin, K Andersson. Livestock Science, 106(1):76-86
Publications list: