CV page

Nora Förell

Nora Förell
PhD student in Environmental Communication


Doctoral student within Mistra Environmental Communication doing research on the constitution of knowledge and truth in environmental communication where I am focusing on the cases (1) governance of the low-carbon transition, and (2) new genetic technologies in agriculture and food production.


Current Project

Governance, justice and resistance: On the way to a fossil-free welfare society (Formas): The project aims to develop an integrated vision for transition governance that is more likely to be socially accepted and effective.


Stoppar rättviseargument Sveriges omställning till ett fossilfritt välfärdssamhälle? – en analys av politiska debatter (Policy brief by Kornelia Johansson, Nora Söderberg, Nora Förell and Anke Fischer)


Master's degree in International Relations with a specialisation in Global Political Economy, Stockholm University 2022

Bachelor's degree in International Relations, Stockholm University 2020


Master Thesis

Viklund Rundgren, Frida, 2023. Trade-offs and goal conflicts in policy coherence for sustainable development : what’s the problem represented to be?. Assistant supervisor to Anke Fischer. 


Doctoral Student, Research Assistant, Research Assistant leave of absence at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Environmental Communication
Telephone: +4618673218, +46720832937
Postal address:
Inst för stad och land, Box 7012
Visiting address: Ulls väg 27, Uppsala