Oksana Golovko

My research is focused on:
- organic micropollutants (OMPs) in the environment and their environmental fate,
- occurrence of OMPs in different matrices (waste water, surface water, soil, sediment, sludge and fish),
- how OMPs can be removed from the environment,
- development of analytical methods based on liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry/ high resolution mass spectrometry,
- monitoring and effect studies.
Master-level course, Applied Environmental Assessment Course, IVM, SLU.
My role: lectures and practical exercises
Current projects:
- Biokolfilter: On-farm biochar filters for removal of organic micropollutants from reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation, Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning (main applicant: Oksana Golovko)
- BioReset: Biodiversity restoration and conservation of inland water ecosystems for environmental and human well-being, BiodivERsA and Water JPI (main applicant: LAQ, REQUIMTE, Portugal)
- FoodsecURe: Food security through better sanitation: The case of urine recycling, Norwegian Research Council (PI: Divina Gracia Rodriguez, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research) (main applicant: Divina Gracia P. Rodriguez)
- MECROPLAN: Mapping of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) including microplastic in landfill leachate, their current ecological impact and sustainable technologies for their removal, Formas (main applicant: Oksana Golovko)
- MUSA: Mushroom-based processes for increased local production of non-meat protein and enhanced agriculture sustainability, NordForsk (main applicant: Carlos Orestes Martin Medina)
- Food waste to new food in an urban context – production, risk assessment and consumer acceptance (Main applicant Malin Hultberg, SLU).
- RiskMix: Risk modeling of mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals relevant to human exposure, using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo as model organism (Main applicant Jana Weiss, Stockholms universitet)
2021- associate professor in Environmental Chemistry, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden
2019- present Researcher, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden
2017-2019 Postdoc, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden
2014-2017 Researcher, University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology, Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vodnany, Czech Republic
2010–2014 PhD, University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology, Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vodnany, Czech Republic
PhD students
- Daniel Malnes
- Tsz Yung Wong
- Maximilian Tyka
Selected publications
Golovko, O., Ahrens L., Schelin J., Sörengård M., Bergstrand K.-J., Asp H., Hultberg M., Wiberg K. 2022. Organic micropollutants, heavy metals and pathogens in anaerobic digestate based on food waste. Journal of Environmental Management 313 114997
Malnes, D., Ahrens, L., Köhlera, S., Forsberg, M., Golovko, O. 2022. Occurrence and mass flows of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in Sweden’s three largest lakes and associated rivers. Chemosphere 294, 133825
Figuiere, R., Waara, S., Ahrens, L., Golovko, O. 2022. Risk-based screening for prioritisation of organic micropollutants in Swedish freshwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials 429 128302
Golovko, O., Kaczmarek, M., Asp, H., Bergstrand, K-J., Ahrens, L., Hultberg, M. 2022. Uptake of perfluoroalkyl substances, pharmaceuticals, and parabens by oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) and exposure risk in human consumption. Chemosphere 291 132898
Sörengårda, M., Campos-Pereirab, H., Ullberga, M., Yin Laia, F., Golovko O., Ahrens, L. Mass loads, source apportionment, and risk estimation of organic micropollutants from hospital and municipal wastewater in a recipient catchments. Chemosphere (2019) 234: 931-941
Pohl, J., Ahrens, L., Carlsson, G., Golovko O., Norrgren, L., Weiss, J., Örn.,S. Embryotoxicity of ozonated diclofenac, carbamazepine, and oxazepam in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Chemosphere (2019) 225: 191-199
Rodrigues, A., Machado, A., Bordalo, M., Saro, L., Simão, F., Rocha, R., Golovko, O., Zlabek, V., Barata, C., Soares, A., Pestana, J. 2018. Invasive species mediate insecticide effects on community and ecosystem functioning. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 4889−4900 (IF 2016 = 6.198)
Sauer, P., Stara, A., Golovko, O., Valentova, O., Borík, A., Grabic, R., Kocour Kroupova, H. 2018 Two synthetic progestins and natural progesterone are responsible for most of the progestagenic activities in municipal wastewater treatment plant effluents in the Czech and Slovak republics. Water Research 137: 64-71. (IF 2016 = 6.942)
Golovko, O., Šauer, P., Fedorova, G., Kocour Kroupová, H., Grabic, R., 2017. Determination of progestogens in surface and waste water using SPE extraction and LC-APCI/APPI-HRPS. Science of the Total Environment 621: 1066-1073. (IF = 4.900)
Cerveny, D., Turek, J., Grabic, R., Golovko, O., Koba, O., Fedorova, G., Grabicova, K., Zlabek, Z., Randak, T. Young-of-the-year fish as a prospective bioindicator for aquatic environmental contamination monitoring. Water Research 103: 334-342. (IF 2015 = 5.991)
Golovko, O., Koba, O., Kodešová, R., Fedorova, G., Kumar, V., Grabic, R., 2016. Development of fast and robust multiresidual LC-MS/MS method for determination of pharmaceuticals in soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 14068–14077. (IF 2015 = 2.760)
Golovko, O., Kumar, V., Fedorova, G., Randak, T., Grabic R. 2014. Seasonal changes in antibiotics, antidepressants/ psychiatric drugs, antihistamines and lipid regulators in a wastewater treatment plant. Chemosphere 111: 418-426. (IF 2012 = 3.137)
Golovko, O., Kumar, V., Fedorova, G., Randák, T., Grabic, R., 2014. Removal and seasonal variability of selected analgesics/anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertensive/cardiovascular pharmaceuticals and UV filters in wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21: 7578–7585. (IF 2012 = 2.618)
Fedorova, G., Randák, T., Golovko, O., Kodes, V., Grabicova, K., Grabic, R., 2014 A passive sampling method for detecting analgesics, psycholeptics, antidepressants and illicit drugs in aquatic environments in the Czech Republic. Science of the Total Environment 487: 681-687. (IF 2012 = 3.258)
Fedorova, G., Golovko, O., Randák, T., Grabic, R., 2014. Storage effect on the analysis of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in wastewater. Chemosphere 111: 55–60. (IF 2012 = 3.137)