Örjan Berglund

I research greenhouse gas emissions from cultivated peat soils. Right now, the focus is on how compaction, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization affect greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the recent projects are Magge-pH, Peatwise, RECARE, and CAOS. In addition to peat soils, I work with soil structure issues and have been involved in developing the app "How is my soil doing?" Alongside my research, I am the assistant coordinator for SLU's Environmental monitoring and assessment program Climate
I have developed and am the course leader for the standalone course "From Ear to Beer" and also teach a couple of lessons in the courses "Soil in Cultivation" and "Plant Production – Soil & Crops
My primary focus is finding measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from peat soils and using GIS to identify suitable locations for rewetting. Currently, most of the research is being conducted on our long-term field experiment in Broddbo, about 30 kilometres north of Uppsala, where we have experiments on peat soil that examine lime, sand, different grasses, compaction, various levels of P and K, and their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and yield.
Environmental analysis
As the assistant coordinator for the FoMa Climate Research program, I strive for high-quality monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. My work involves coordinating activities within SLU, complementing my role as a researcher in the GHG emission field. Increased efforts for climate monitoring and close collaboration between research and climate management are essential.
I grew up on a farm in northern Västmanland and started as an agronomy student in 1996 with a focus on soil-plant. I have worked at SLU since graduating in 2000 and defended my thesis in 2011 titled 'Greenhouse gas emissions from cultivated peat soils in Sweden
I have supervised quite many bachelor's and master's students.
Selected publications
Norberg, L., Hellman, M., Berglund, K., Hallin, S., Berglund, Ö., 2021. Methane and Nitrous Oxide Production From Agricultural Peat Soils in Relation to Drainage Level and Abiotic and Biotic Factors. Front Env Sci-Switz 9(78)
Berglund, Ö., Kätterer, T., Meurer, K.H.E., 2021. Emissions of CO2, N2O and CH4 From Cultivated and Set Aside Drained Peatland in Central Sweden. Front Env Sci-Switz 9(25).
Buschmann, C., N. Röder, K. Berglund, Ö. Berglund, P. E. Lærke, M. Maddison, Ü. Mander, M. Myllys, B. Osterburg and J. J. H. van den Akker (2020). "Perspectives on agriculturally used drained peat soils: Comparison of the socioeconomic and ecological business environments of six European regions." Land Use Policy 90: 104181.
Minasny, B., Berglund, Ö., Connolly, J., Hedley, C., de Vries, F., Gimona, A., Kempen, B., Kidd, D., Lilja, H., Malone, B., 2019. Digital mapping of peatlands–A critical review. Earth-Science Reviews (196), 102870..
Mustamo, P., Ronkanen, A.-K., Berglund, Ö., Berglund, K., Kløve, B., 2019. Thermal conductivity of unfrozen and partially frozen managed peat soils. Soil and Tillage Research 191, 245-255.
Berglund, Ö., Jordan, S., Hesse K., and Berglund K. (2019). “Effects of foundry sand addition on yield, penetration resistance and CO2 emission from an agricultural peat soil. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-5531, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Merit van den Berg, Christian Fritz , Kerstin Berglund, Örjan Berglund, David Campbell, Björn Klöve, Lasse Loft, Poul Erik Laerke, Marja Maljanen, Hannu Marttila, Bettina Matzdorf, Hanna Silvennoinen. (2019). The PEATWISE project: reducing greenhouse gas emission in drained peatlands while maintaining biomass production. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-16055, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Berglund, Ö., K. Berglund, S. Jordan and L. Norberg (2019). "Carbon capture efficiency, yield, nutrient uptake and trafficability of different grass species on a cultivated peat soil." CATENA 173: 175-182.
Schwilch, G., Lemann, T., Berglund, O., Camarotto, C., Cerda, A., Daliakopoulos, I.N., Kohnova, S., Krzeminska, D., Maranon, T., Rietra, R., Siebielec, G., Thorsson, J., Tibbett, M., Valente, S., van Delden, H., van den Akker, J., Verzandvoort, S., Vrinceanu, N.O., Zoumides, C., Hessel, R., 2018. Assessing Impacts of Soil Management Measures on Ecosystem Services. Sustainability-Basel 10(12).