Per-Anders Hansson

I have a background in Agriculture and Biosystems engineering and my PhD thesis was about modelling, optimisation and adaptive control of active suspension systems. My interest and experience in modeling, control theory and systems analyses then became the base for research within natural resource theory and analyses of food and bioenergy production systems. In year 1997 I was offered an appointment as acting professor with focus on these tasks. The appointment was later arranged as a faculty professorship. My research group is strong especially in environmental systems analyses of food, biomaterials and energy systems. Main methodology is LCA (life cycle assessment) and one research aim is to further develop the methodology to be better suited for evaluation of biobased production systems. I have published more than 100 scientific journal articles and a lot of other material.
I have supervised 29 doctoral and licentiate candidates with completed exams, 22 of them as main supervisor: Daniel Nilsson (Dr -99), Berit Mattson (Dr -99), Karolina Hovelius (lic -99), Sven-Axel Svensson (Dr -01), Alfredo deToro (Dr -04), Magnus Lindgren (Dr -04), Lena Rodhe (Dr -04), Sven Bernesson (Dr -04), Björn Vinnerås (Dr -07), Carina Gunnarsson (Dr -09), Serina Ahlgren (Dr -09), Eva Lotta Lindholm (Dr -10), Elin Röös (Dr -14), Sheshti Johansson (lic -14), Niclas Ericsson (Dr -15), Johanna Spångberg (Dr- 15), Marie Kimming (Dr -15), Mattias Eriksson (Dr -15), Anders Eriksson (Dr-16), Hanna Karlsson (Dr -18), Torun Hammar (Dr-17), Charlotta Porsö (Dr -17), Elham A Moghaddam (Dr-19), Kajsa Henrysson (Dr-19), Johan Nilsson (Lic 20), Christopher Malefors (Dr, 22), Petra Sieber (Dr -21), Emma Moberg (Dr -22), Johan Karlsson (Dr-22).