Per Frölund
I`ve been working in contract archaeology for many years, bit since 2014 I am a PhD student in Agrarian History. Since 2009 I am project manager at the archaeological research project Gamla Uppsala – the emergence of a mythical centre (GUAM). The project is a collaborative between Uppsala University, Uppland Museum, National Heritage Board and Societas Archaeologica Upsaliensis. The project is led by associate professor John Ljungkvist at Uppsala University. A full presentation (in Swedish) of the project is available here:
My research deals with the question how a central place – Gamla Uppsala - was provided for in terms of supplies. The purpose of this study is to highlight the agrarian conditions in the vicinity of Gamla Uppsala between the 1st and 7th centuries CE. The plethora of scholarly discussion about the site, as well as major archaeological investigations during recent years, have resulted in Gamla Uppsala having great potential for the study of the changes undergone in agrarian settlements surrounding a high status environment. During the period in question Gamla Uppsala rose to a central function and significance. A greater insight into the supply organization is not only a concern for Gamla Uppsala, it may also contribute to the understanding of how such central places in general were organized and supplied. The material consists of archaeological, botanical and zoological data from excavated settlements as well as compilations of paleoecological data.
BA in Archaeology, Uppsala university. Working in contract archaeology for many years, for the moment at the Uppland Museum.
Selected publications
Ljungkvist, John & Frölund, Per. 2015. Gamla Uppsala – the emergence of a centre and a magnate complex. Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History 16.
Frölund, Per & Göthberg, Hans. 2013. Gamla Uppsala före formationen – ett bidrag till centralplatsens genes. Gamla Uppsala i ny belysning. s. 9-32. Uppsala.
Ljungkvist, John., Frölund, Per., Göthberg, Hans & Löwenborg, Daniel. 2011. Gamla Uppsala – Structural development of a centre in Middle Sweden. Archaeologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. Heft 41:4. s. 571-585. 2011. Mainz
Frölund, Per. 2007. Gamla Uppsala under äldre järnålder. Land och samhälle i förändring : uppländska bygder i ett långtidsperspektiv. s. 361-378. Uppsala.