Peter Anderson

I contribute to the teaching on courses in Ecology, Plant protection and Insect Chemical Ecology
My research is focused on studies on plant-insect interaction. The main topic is sensory physiological and behavioural mechanisms involved in host plant choice of herbivorous insects. In these studies my focus is on the detection and neural integration of olfactory plant cues and how they affect behavioural decisions. My studies also investigate how insects deal with a varying environment through phenotypic plasticity. How does it change host plant preference and what is the role of intra- and trans-generational experience? Furthermore, I explore the ecological consequences of phenotypic plasticity and the costs and benefits involved during host plant choice.
I am also involved in studies:
* monitoring and sustainable control of oilseed rape pests both in single crop and intercropping system
* effcets of increased atmospheric CO2-levels on insect host plant performance and preference
Selected publications
Khallaf, M., Sadek M.M. & Anderson, P. 2023. Predator efficacy and attraction to herbivore-induced volatiles determine insect pest selection of inferior host plant. iScience, 26: 106077.
Roy, A., Houot, B., Kushwaha, S. & Anderson, P. Impact of transgenerational host switch on gut bacterial assemblage in generalist pest, Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae. Frontiers in Microbiology 14:1172601
Bras A., Roy A., Heckel D., Anderson P. & Karlsson Green K. 2022. Pesticide resistance in arthropods: Ecology matters too. Ecology Letters 25: 1746-1759.
Lhomme P, Khallaf M, Larsson M & Anderson P. 2020. Sensitive period for the induction of host plant preference in a generalist herbivorous insect. Animal Behavior, 169: 1-8
Rösvik A., Lhomme P., Khallaf M. A. & Anderson P. 2020. Plant-induced Transgenerational plasticity affecting performance but not preference in a polyphagous moth. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 254.
Lhomme P., Carrasco D., Larsson M.C., Hansson B.S. & Anderson P. 2018. A context-dependent induction of natal habitat preference in a generalist herbivorous insect. Behavioral Ecology 29: 360-367.
Carrasco D., Desurmont G. A., Laplanche D., Proffit M., Gols R., Becher P. G., Larsson M. C., Turlings T. C. J. & Anderson P. 2018. With or without you: effects of the concurrent range expansion of an herbivore and its natural enemy on native species interactions. Global Change Biology 24: 631-643.
Mendesil, E., Rämert B., Marttila S., Hillbur, Y. & Anderson P. 2016. Oviposition preference of pea weevil, Bruchus pisorum L. among host and non-host plants and its implication for pest management. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 1186
Proffit M, Khallaf MA, Carrasco D, Larsson MC & Anderson P. 2015. "Do you remember the first time?" Host plant preference in a moth is modulated by experiences during larval feeding and adult mating. Ecology Letters 18: 365-374
Carrasco D, Larsson MC & Anderson P. 2015. Insect host plant selection in complex environments. Current Opinion in Insect Science 8:1-7
Anderson P & Anton S. 2014. Experience-based modulation of behavioural responses to sensory cues in insect herbivores. Plant, Cell & Environment, 37: 1826-1835
Thöming G., Larsson M. C., Hansson B. S. & Anderson P. 2013. Comparison of plant preference hierarchies of male and female moths and the impact of larval rearing hosts. Ecology 94: 1744-1752.