CV page

Reza Hosseinpour

Reza Hosseinpour Ashenaabad


I am a PhD student within the Soil Mechanics and Soil Management research group at the Department of Soil and Environment. 


"Post-Tillage Temporal Dynamics and Evolution of Soil Structural Pore Space" 

My research consists of developing a better understanding of post-tillage soil structural evolution and the temporal dynamics of soil pore space through measurements, experiments and mathematical models. The research will contribute towards a better understanding of the temporal dynamics of hydraulic properties of soil and therefore potentially lead to improved predictions of the impacts of soil management practices on water and solute transport, leaching of nutrients and pesticides.


 08/2017- Doctoral Student in Soil Science - Soil mechanics @ SLU Uppsala in Sweden

 09/2013-07/2016 Master of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering (Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria per L'Ambiente e il Territorio) @ University of Bologna in Italy

 02/2015-06/2016 M.Sc. ERASMUS+ in Civil Engineering (Coastal - Offshore - Geotechnics) @  Aalborg University in Denmark & KU Leuven in Belgium

 01/2009 -06/2013  B.Sc. in Mining Engineering @ Urmia university of Technology, Iran


Thomas Keller, Mats Larsbo, Paul Hallett (Uni of Aberdeen), Nicholas Jarvis, Annette Dathe (Cornell University)  

Selected publications


Hosseinpour Ashenaabad R., Keller T., Larsbo M., Hallett P. 2022. Dual-platform micromechanical characterization of soils: oscillation shear rheometry and spherical indentation. Soil & Tillage Research [Published]

Hosseinpour Ashenaabad R., Larsbo M., Iseskog D., Jarvis N., Hallett P., Dathe A., and Keller T. 2019. Quantification of post-tillage soil structure dynamics via dynamic micro-CT imaging. EGU General Assembly 2019 pp. 16213.


Non employee at the Department of Soil and Environment; Mark och miljö, Markmekanik och jordbearbetning
Telephone: +4618672421, +46722359806
Postal address:
Box 7014
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala