Riccardo Bommarco

I investigate how cultivation and land use in agriculture affect biodiversity with a focus on insects and plants that provide ecosystem services. I work with crop protection, biological regulation of pests, pollination and crop yield. I participate in the development of sustainable farming systems in a destabilized climate.
My main research areas are cropping systems and ecosystem services
Read more about my coworkers and research here: lab webpage
Other missions
Head of the SLU Agricultural entomology unit
Head of the SLU Risk assessment of plant pests
Board member and representative for SLU in the European Research Alliance Towards a chemical pesticide free agriculture
Management committee member COST action Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture : European Network for sustainability (T0P-AGRI-Network)
Chair 2014-2020 Platform Plant Protection SLU
Coauthor 2016 IPBES