Rosa Goodman

Ph.D. – Geography (Physical). 2013. University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
M.S. – Forest Science. 2009. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
B.S. – Forestry and Natural Resources. 2006. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Selected publications
Lau A‡, Calders K, Bartholomeus H, Martius C, Raumonen P, Herold M, Vicari M, Sukhdeo H, Singh J, Goodman RC. 2019. Tree Biomass Equations from Terrestrial LiDAR: A Case Study in Guyana. Forests 10 (6), 527
Goodman RC, Harman Aramburu M, Gopalakrishna T, Putz FE, Gutiérrez N, Mena Alvarez JL, Aguilar-Amuchastegui N, Ellis PW. 2019. Carbon emissions and potential emissions reductions from low-intensity selective logging in southwestern Amazonia. Forest Ecology and Management 439: 18-27.
Ellis PW, Gopalakrishna T, Goodman RC, Roopsind A, Griscom BW, Umunay PM, Zalman J, Ellis E, Mo K, Gregoire TG, Putz FE. 2019. Climate-effective reduced-impact logging (RIL-C) can halve selective logging emissions from tropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management 438: 255-266
Griscom BW*, Goodman RC*, Burivalova Z*, Putz, FE. 2018. Carbon and biodiversity impacts of intensive versus extensive tropical forestry. Conservation Letters 11(1): e12362doi:10.1111/conl.12362 *Equal contributions
Gonzalez de Tanago J, Lau A, Bartholomeus H, Herold M, Avitabile V, Raumonen P, Martius C, Goodman RC, Disney M, Manuri S, Burt A, Calders K. 2018. Estimation of above-ground biomass of large tropical trees with Terrestrial LiDAR. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9(2): 223-234.
Tittler R, Messier C, Goodman RC. 2016. Triad forest management: Local fix or global solution? In Larocque GR (ed) Ecological Forest Management Handbook. Taylor & Francis Group/CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Ploton P, Barbier B, Momo S, Chuyong G, Dauby G, Droissart V, Fayolle A, Goodman RC, et al. 2016. Closing a gap in tropical forest biomass estimation: Accounting for crown mass variation in pantropical allometries. Biogeosciences 13, 1571-1585.
Griscom BW, Goodman RC. 2015. Reframing the sharing vs sparing debate for tropical forestry landscapes. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 27(2): 145-147.
Goodman RC, Herold M. 2014. Why Maintaining Tropical Forests Is Essential and Urgent for a Stable Climate. CGD Working Paper 385. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development.
Chave J, Réjou-Méchain M, Búrquez M, Chidumayo E, Colgan MS, Delitti WBC, Duque A, Eid T, Fearnside PM, Goodman RC, et al. 2014. Improved allometric models to estimate the aboveground biomass of tropical trees. Global Change Biology 20: 3177-3190.
Goodman RC, Phillips OL, Baker TR. 2014. The importance of crown dimensions to improve tropical tree biomass estimates. Ecological Applications 24(4): 680–698.
Goodman RC, Oliet JA, Sloan JL, Jacobs DF. 2014. Nitrogen fertilization of intensively managed black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) during plantation establishment. Physiology of production. European Journal of Forest Research 133: 153-164.
Goodman RC, Phillips OL, Baker TR. 2013. Amazon palm biomass and allometry. Forest Ecology and Management 310: 994-1004.
Goodman RC, Oliet JA, Pardillo G, Jacobs DF. 2013. Nitrogen fertilization of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) during plantation establishment. Morphology and production efficiency. Forest Science 59(4): 453-463.
Goodman RC, Phillips OL, Baker TR. 2012. Tropical forests: Tightening up on tree carbon estimates. Nature 491(7425): 527-527.