Sabine Sampels

I did my PhD on the effects of supplemental feeding on reindeer meat quality, with the goal to develop a feed that both fits the animals needs and results in a preservation of the healthy omega 3 rich fatty acid composition of the meat. During this study we than also evaluated the effect of different processing methods on the fatty acid and antioxidant composition in meat products.
Lipids have a strong correlation to human health as well as also to animal health, welfare, and it is therefore important to preserve an appropriate composition in the feed and to aim for it in food products.
After my PhD I continued working in the field of lipid composition in animal foods and how the composition is affected during both the life of the animal as well as during processing into food. I have worked with various semi-wild and domesticated land species as well as fish, with animal nutrition and meat quality as well as human nutrition issues, and the development of fish products in Sweden, Norway and in Czech Republic.
As oxidation is a major issue in quality of meat and fish products, I study also preservation and storage methods and effects of various antioxidants.
Beside these quality parameters related to lipids, health and nutrition I also work on other important quality factors in animal food products as colour, sensory and texture properties as well as general food quality parameters, as water holding capacity, protein oxidation, biogenic amines, vitamin E and A content, microbial status and general composition.
Currently course Leader and teaching in the course ‘Animal Food Science’
Various lectures in the topics Lipids, Oxidation and Antioxidants, Food Preservation and Additives, Meat Science, Meat Quality, Fish quality, Seafood and Algae for bachelor students in different courses at SLU (Food Chemistry and Physics, Food Technology, Agricultural Science Overview Courses)
Current projects I'm involevd in:
SAFE- sustainable aquaculture feed based on novel biomass from wood by-products (Nordforsk grant: Sustainable Aquaculture – Research and Innovation Projects)
Making wood edible - Converting lignocellulose to high value food ingredients by microbial fermentation (Formas)
I collaborated with local fish processing companies both in Sweden and in Czech Republic in the aim to develop new products, improve shelf life and other product parameters as well as to increase economical sustainability. At Nofima, in Norway I was responsible for a project to increase nutritional value and storage stability in herring.
I am involved in collaboration-projects with my colleagues at the faculty regarding effects of lipid composition on cryo-preservability of fish sperm, effects of oxidative stress and lipid metabolism in the over ripening of fish oocytes, as well as the influence of feed enrichment on fatty acid composition in Arthemia.
Sabine Sampels (Assoc.Prof.)
Studied food chemistry at University of Bonn, Germany
PhD in Food Science at SLU, Department of Food Science, title: Fatty Acids and Antioxidants in Reindeer and Red Deer – Emphasis on Animal Nutrition and Consequent Meat Quality.
Habilitation Quality of Fish from Pond to Plate- with Emphasis on Fatty Acid Composition, defended 04.09.2015, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice Czech Republic.
01.06.2017- Researcher, SLU, Department of Molecular Sciences.
2014- 2017 Head of Laboratory, Laboratory of Lipid Metabolism (until 31.12.2015 Nutrition and Quality of Fish), Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters (FFPW), University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice (USB).
2011-2014 Research Position, FFPW, USB, Quality of fish and fish products, research, establishing a new laboratory and teaching
2005-2010 Different Post-doc positions SLU, Department of Food Science, Uppsala Sweden in collaboration with: Nofima marine Ås, Norway, Astrid Lindgren Children’s hospital Gothenburg; Domstein-Enghavs AB and Älvkarlebylax AB
Sabine Sampels (Assoc.Prof.)
Studied food chemistry at University of Bonn, Germany
PhD in Food Science 2005 at SLU, Department of Food Science,
PhD thesis
Sampels, S. 2005. Fatty Acids and antioxidants in reindeer and red deer - emphasis on animal nutrition and consequent meat quality. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Suecia, 2005:31 Swedish University of Agriculture Uppsala, Sweden.
Habilitation in Fisheries 2015, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice Czech Republic.
Habilitation thesis
Sampels, S., 2015. Quality of Fish from Pond to Plate- with Emphasis on Fatty Acid Composition, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters
Associated Professor in in Food Science 2021, SLU, Department of Molecular Sciences
14.04.2021- Programme Director Bachelor Programme Food Science
01.08.2019- Programme Director Agricultural Food Science Programme and Master Programme Sustainable Food Systems
01.06.2017- Researcher, SLU, Department of Molecular Sciences.
2014- 2017 Head of Laboratory, Laboratory of Lipid Metabolism (until 31.12.2015 Nutrition and Quality of Fish), Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters (FFPW), University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice (USB).
2011-2014 Research Position, FFPW, USB, Quality of fish and fish products, research, establishing a new laboratory and teaching
2005-2010 Different Post-doc positions SLU, Department of Food Science, Uppsala Sweden in collaboration with: Nofima marine Ås, Norway, Astrid Lindgren Children’s hospital Gothenburg; Domstein-Enghavs AB and Älvkarlebylax AB
Other assignments:
Since 2022 Research representative for SLU steering board Vattenbrukscentrum Nord
Since 2021 Deputy member for SLU steering board Research platform Blue Food
Publications list: