Sanna Ignell

I'm doing my PhD with a research project called “Sustainable establishment of woody vegetation in school grounds in urban areas”. The aim for the project is to develop concepts for sustainable establishment of woody vegetation in urban school grounds, for the purpose of enabling health-supporting green school environments for all children in Sweden. The project consists of greenhouse experiments, interview study with practitioners, insitu experiments on school grounds and a mapping review. I have a background as a landscape engineer with a masters in Landscape architecture.
Presenter on the ISA conference in Malmö 2022.
Presenter on Movium webinar "Skolgården - Grön plats i bärkraftig stad", march 2023
Selected publications
Scientific publicaions:
Sjöman, H., Ignell, S., & Hirons, A. (2023). Selection of Shrubs for Urban Environments—An Evaluation of Drought Tolerance of 120 Species and Cultivars, HortScience, 58(5), 573-579. Retrieved Apr 17, 2023, from
Master thesis:
Ignell, S. (2020). Using leaf economics to find appropriate woody species for rain gardens. Alnarp: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.