Sara Ringmark

My main research interests are nutrition and exercise physiology in animals kept for sports and companionship.
Currently course leader and lecturer at two courses at masters level within exercise physiology and rehabilitation of sport- and companion animals. Gives lectures and demonstrations at undergraduate level within anatomy and digestion physiology.
Ongoing research projects:
No hoof no horse? - A study on quality of hooves of Standardbred trotters. Responsible: Anna Jansson.
Landscape preservation by grazing Gotlandsruss ponies. Responsible: Anna Jansson and Carl-Gustaf Tuhlin
Effect of different feed composition on satiety regulation in dogs. Responsible: Johan Dicksved, PhD-student: Hanna Palmkvist
Body weight in dogs – related factors and association with developmental joint diseases. Resposible: Katja Höglund, PhD-student: Linda Andersson
Markers for good and bad training effects and lameness in young race horses". Responsible: Anna Jansson, PhD-student: Lisa Johansson
Give external lectures and collaborates with external companies in both small and large research projects.
MSc within animal science and Agronomy. Teacher at the Swedish National Centre for Trotting Education, Wången AB. Horse feed sales and production consultant at Brunsbergs Foder och Strö.
Co-supervisor of Hanna Palmkvist within the project "Effect of different feed composition on satiety regulation in dogs".
Co-supervisor of Linda Andersson within the project "Body weight in dogs – related factors and association with developmental joint diseases". Resposible: Katja Höglund.
Co-supervisor of Lisa Johansson within the project " Markers for good and bad training effects and lameness in young race horses". Responsible: Anna Jansson
Selected publications
Palmqvist, H., Höglund, K., Ringmark, S. and Dicksved, J. Effects of whole-grain cereals on fecal microbiota and short-chain fatty acids in dogs: a comparison of rye, oats and wheat. Scientific Reports,2023, 13, 10920.
Strandberg, E., Andersson, L., Emanuelson, U., Bjørnvad, C. R., Ringmark, S., Hedhammar, Å. & Höglund, K. Heritability and Genetic Trend of Body Weight in Dogs of Different Breeds in Sweden. Journal of Animal Science, 2023, 101:173.
Palmqvist, H., Ringmark, S., Höglund, K., Pelve, E., Lundh, T. and Dicksved, J. Effects of rye inclusion in dog food on fecal microbiota and short‑chain fatty acids. BMC Veterinary Research, 2023, 19:70.
L. Andersson, U. Emanuelson, S. Ringmark, C. R. Bjørnvad, Å. Hedhammar & K. Höglund. Exploration of body weight in 115 000 young adult dogs of 72 breeds
Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 443, 2023.
Johansson, L., Ringmark, S., Skiöldebrand, E., Bergquist J. and Jansson, A. Reduced high-intensity training distance in growing horses had no effect on IGF-1 concentrations, but training onset interrupted time-dependent IGF-1 decline. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 2022, 18 (3), 201-209.
Jansson, A., Ringmark, S., Johansson, L. and Roepstorff, L. Locomotion asymmetry in young Standardbred trotters in training and links to future racing career. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 2022, 18 (2), 85-92.
Höglund, K., Palmqvist, H., Ringmark, S. and Svensson, A. Normetanephrine in canine urine by ELISA – evaluation of factors affecting analysis results. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2022, 34(1), 28-35.
Jansson, A., Harris, P., Larsdotter Davey, S., Luthersson, N. Ragnarsson, S. and Ringmark, S. Straw as an Alternative to Grass Forage in Horses—Effects on Post-Prandial Metabolic Profile, Energy Intake, Behaviour and Gastric Ulceration. Animals 2021, 11(8), 2197;
Jansson, A., Gunnarsson, V. Þ., Ringmark, S., Ragnarsson, S., Söderroos, D., Ásgeirsson, E., Jóhannsdóttir, T. R. Liedberg, C., Stefánsdóttir, G. J.Increased body fat content in horses alters metabolic and physiological exercise response, decreases performance, and increases locomotion asymmetry. Physiological Reports, 2021, 9(11), e14824;
Tydén, E., Jansson, A. and Ringmark, S. Parasites in Horses Kept in A 2.5 Year-Round Grazing System in Nordic Conditions without Supplementary Feeding. Animals 2019, 9(12), 1156;
Ringmark, S., Skarin, A. and Jansson A. Impact of Year-Round Grazing by Horses on Pasture Nutrient Dynamics and the Correlation with Pasture Nutrient Content and Fecal Nutrient Composition. Animals 2019, 9(8), 500;
Ringmark, S., Roepstorff, L., Hedenström, U., Lindholm, A. and Jansson, A. 2017. Reduced training distance and a forage-only diet did not limit race participation in young Standardbred horses. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 13(4), pp. 265–272.
Ringmark, S., Revold, T. and Jansson, A. 2017. Effects of training distance on feed intake, growth, body condition and muscle glycogen content in young Standardbred horses fed a forage-only diet. Animal, Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2017, pp. 1718-1726.
Ringmark, S., Jansson, A., Lindholm, A., Hedenström, U. and Roepstorff, L. A 2.5 year study on health and locomotion symmetry in young Standardbred horses subjected to two levels of high intensity training distance. The Veterinary Journal, 2016, 207, 99-104.
Ringmark, S., Lindholm, A., Hedenström, U., Lindinger, M., Dahlborn, K., Kvart, C. and Jansson, A. 2015. Reduced high intensity training distance had no effect on VLa4 but attenuated heart rate response in 2-3-year-old Standardbred horses. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2015, 57:17.
Ringmark, S., Roepstorff, L., Essén-Gustavsson, B., Revold, T., Lindholm, A., Hedenström, U., Rundgren, M., Ögren, G. and Jansson, A. 2013. Growth, training response and health in Standardbred yearlings fed a forage-only diet. Animal, 2013, 7:746-753.
Ringmark, S. and Jansson, A. 2013. Insulin response to feeding forage with varying crude protein and amino acid content in horses at rest and after exercise. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 2013, 9:209-217.
Ringmark, S. and Jansson, A. Growth performance in 1.5-3 year old extensively kept Gotland ponies in comparison with Standardbred horses fed a forage-only diet ad libitum. European Workshop of Equine Nutrition, Dijon, France, 16-17 June 2016.
Doctoral thesis:
Ringmark, S. 2014. A Forage-Only Diet and Reduced High Intensity Training Distance in Standardbred Horses, Growth, Health and Performance. SLU Acta 2014:80. Avhandlingen finns att läsa här: