CV page

Sarah Säll

Sarah Säll


My research focuses on external effects and public goods affected by food system activities, and policies that can support a sustainability improvement in the Swedish food system.  My main focus has been on food consumption, though my work covers the whole food system. 


I am responsible for Microeconomics 1 and mathematics (15 hp) and Economic Perspectives on Agriculture and the Environment (7,5hp)  given at the Department of Economics. From spring 2025, I will also be responsible for a course in policies for sustainable food systems. 


Current projects:

I am the PI of the project "Economic policy instruments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Swedish food sector" (EPIC). The project is financed by FORMAS and started late in 2020. The project involves quantitative and qualitative analysis of the demand and supply of food consumed and produced in Sweden, combined with policy analysis to support a shift towards a more sustainable food sector.  

Since 2020, I have worked within the project MISTRA Foods Future: Initially, my work revolved around indicators and sustainability frameworks, and collective action analysis for the Swedish food system. Going forward within MISTRA, I will work as the deputy manager for the work package focusing on policy solutions for improved food system sustainability. 

Selected publications

Hansson, H., Säll, S., Abouhatab, A., Ahlgren, S., Berggren, Å., Hallström, E., Lundqvist, P., Persson, U. M., Rydhmer, L., Röös, E., Tidåker, P., Winkvist, A., Zhu, L. 2024. An indicator framework to guide food system sustainability transition – The case of Sweden. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, Volume 22

Robling, H., Abu Hatab, A., Säll, S., Hansson, H. 2023. Measuring sustainability at farm level – A critical view on data and indicators, Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, Volume 18,

Röös, E., Wood, A., Säll, S., Abu Hatab, A., Ahlgren, S., Hallström, E., Tidåker, P., Hansson, H. 2023. Diagnostic, regenerative or fossil-free – exploring stakeholder perceptions of Swedish food system sustainability. Ecological Economics 203

Moberg, E., Andersson, M.W., Säll, S., Hansson, P-A., Röös, E. 2019. Determining the climate impact of food for use in a climate tax - design of a consistent and transparent model. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24

Gren. I-M., Moberg. E., Säll. S., Röös. E. 2019. Design of a climate tax on food consumption: examples of tomatoes and beef in Sweden. Journal of Cleaner Production 211

Jansson, T., Säll, S. 2018 Environmental consumption taxes on animal food products to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union. Volume 09, Issue 04 

Säll, S. 2018. Environmental food taxes and inequalities: Simulation of a meat tax in Sweden. Food Policy 74: 147-153

Säll, S., Gren, I-M. 2015. Effects of an environmental tax on meat and dairy consumption in Sweden. Food Policy 55: 41-53


Slijper, T., Karlsson, J.O., Karlsson Potter, H., Säll, S., Hansson, H. (2024). Introducing environmental considerations to the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023 – Impacts on production and the environment. Mistra Food Futures Report #21. 

Review input for Errendal, S., Ellis, J., Jeudy-Hugo, S. 2023. The role of carbon pricing in transforming pathways to reach net zero emissions: Insights from current experiences and potential application to food systems. OECD Working papers No. 220.

Röös, E., Larsson, J., Resare Sahlin, K., Jonell, M., Lindahl, T., André, E., Säll, S., Harring, N., Persson, M. 2021. Policy Options for Sustainable Food Consumption - Review and Recommendations for Sweden. Technical report. ISBN: 978-91-7873-787-1.  


Researcher at the Department of Economics; Agricultural and Food Economics
Telephone: +4618672713
Postal address:
Institutionen för ekonomi
Box 7013
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Uppsala, Uppsala