Scott Buckley
2019 | PhD, School of Agriculture & Food Science, The University of Queensland - "A microdialysis perspective of soil nitrogen availability".
2015 | BSc (Hons 1st class), School of Agriculture & Food Science, The University of Queensland.
2005 | BMus, Queensland University of Technology.
Selected publications
Buckley, S., Brackin, R., Näsholm, T., Schmidt, S., Jämtgård, S. 2022. The influence of sucrose on soil nitrogen availability – A root exudate simulation using microdialysis. Geoderma, 409, 115645.
Plett, K.L., Buckley, S., Plett, J.M., Anderson, I.C., Lundberg-Felten., J., Jämtgård, S. 2021. Novel Microdialysis Technique Reveals a Dramatic Shift in Metabolite Secretion during the Early Stages of the Interaction between the Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Pisolithus microcarpus and its host Eucalyptus grandis. 2021. Microorganisms, 9, 1817.
Westermann, M., Brackin, R., Robinson, N., Salazar Cajas, M., Buckley, S., Bailey, T., Redding, M., Kochanek, J., Hill, J., Guillou, S., Freitas, J.C.M., Jr., Wang, W., Pratt, C., Fujinuma, R., Schmidt, S. 2021. Organic Wastes Amended with Sorbents Reduce N2O Emissions from Sugarcane Cropping. Environments 2021, 8, 78.
Buckley, S., Brackin, R., Jämtgård, S., Näsholm, T., Schmidt, S., 2020. Microdialysis in soil environments: Current practice and future perspectives. 2020. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 143, 107743.
Buckley, S., Allen, D., Brackin, R., Jämtgård, S., Näsholm, T., Schmidt, S., 2019. Microdialysis as an in situ technique for sampling soil enzymes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135, 20-27.
Jones, A.R., Gupta, V.V.S.R., Buckley, S., Brackin, R., Schmidt, S., Dalal, R.C., 2019. Drying and rewetting effects on organic matter mineralisation of contrasting soils after 36 years of storage. Geoderma 342, 12-19.
Brackin, R., Buckley, S., Pirie, R., Visser, F., 2019. Predicting nitrogen mineralisation in Australian irrigated cotton cropping systems. Soil Research 57, 247-256.
Buckley, S., Brackin, R., Näsholm, T., Schmidt, S., Jämtgård, S., 2017. Improving in situ recovery of soil nitrogen using the microdialysis technique. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 114, 93-103.
Brackin, R., Schmidt, S., Walter, D., Bhuiyan, S., Buckley, S., Anderson, J., 2017. Soil biological health—what is it and how can we improve it?, Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, pp. 141-154.
Publications list: