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Sofia Delin

Sofia Delin
Associate professor in Soil Science/Plant Nutrition.


Research leader responsible for the field trials at Lanna reseach station. Researcher within applied plant nutrtion, mainly concering fertilization with organic residues, manure and optimised fertilization for minimized leaching and nitrous oxide emissions. 

Professional interests

  • Nitrogen mineralisation and fertilisation effects (N & P) from organic fertilizers
  • Optimized manure application for improved nitrogen efficiency
  • Effects of fertilisation on nitrogen leaching and nitrous oxide emissions.
  • Within-field variations in soil nitrogen mineralisation 

Research projects

  • Fertilization with minimized nitrous oxide emissions under Swedish conditions
  • Effects of digestion and acidificationof animal slurry on nitrous oxideemissions
  • Variation in biogas digeste charcteristics and effects on ammonia emission and fertilization effect

Selected publications

Doctoral thesis

Delin, S. 2005. Site-specific Nitrogen Fertilization Demand in Relation to Plant Available Soil Nitrogen and Water. Potential for prediction based on soil characteristics. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae 2005:6, 55 pp.

Papers in scientific international journals

Delin, S., Mårtensson, K., Johnsson, H. 2024. Risk for nitrogen leaching after application of solid manure in autumn differs between manure types. Front. Environ. Sci. Sec. Soil Processes Volume 12 - 2024

Andersson, K., Dahlin, S., Sørensen, P., Delin, S. 2024. Bedding material properties and slurry C/N ratio affect the availability of nitrogen in cattle slurry applied to soil. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 8

Engström, L., Delin, S., Jonsson, A., Shah, S.R.U., Wetterlind, J. 2024. Optimum N-rate and effect of split N fertilization timing on yield and quality in spring oat varieties Agricultural and Food Science 33: 164–174

Andersson, K. Delin, S., Pedersen, J., Hafner, S., Nyord, T. 2023. Ammonia emissions from untreated, separated and digested cattle slurry – Effects of slurry type and application strategy on a Swedish clay soil. Biosystems Engineering 226, 194 – 208.

Wallman, M., Lammirato, C., Delin, S., Klemedtsson, L., Weslien, P., Rütting, T. 2022. Nitrous oxide emissions from five fertilizer treatments during one year – High-frequency measurements on a Swedish Cambisol. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 337:108062.

Wallman, M., Delin, S. 2022. Nitrogen leaching from tile‐drained fields and lysimeters receiving contrasting rates and sources of nitrogen, Soil Use and Management 38, 596–610.

Pedersen, J., Andersson, K., Feilberg, A., Delin, S., Hafner, S., Nyord, T. 2021. Effect of exposed surface area on ammonia emissions from untreated, separated, and digested cattle manure. Biosystems Engineering 202, 66-78. 

Delin, S., Stenberg, M. 2021. Effects on nitrate leaching of the timing of cattle slurry application to leys. Soil Use and Management 37, 436–448.

Delin, S., Engström, L., Lundkvist, A. 2018. Optimal Placement of Meat Bone Meal Pellets to Spring Oats. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 2:27. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2018.00027 

Delin, S. 2016. Fertilizer value of phosphorus in different residues. Soil Use and Management 32, 17–26.

Delin S., Stenberg M. 2014. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on nitrate leaching in relation to grain yield response on loamy sand in Sweden. European Journal of Agronomy 52, 291-296.

Delin, S., Stenberg, B., Nyberg, A. och Brohede, L. 2012. Potential methods for estimating nitrogen fertilizer value of organic residues. Soil Use and Management 28, 283–291.

Karlsson T., Delin S., Kätterer T., Berglund K., Andrén O. 2011. Calculating temporal and spatial variation in nitrogen mineralisation within an arable field in Sweden. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science vol. 61 333-344

Delin S. 2011. Fertilizer value of nitrogen in hen and broiler manure after application to spring barley using different application timing. Soil Use and Management, 27, 415–426

Delin S., Strömberg N. 2011. Imaging-optode measurements of ammonium distribution in soil after different manure amendments. European Journal of Soil Science 62, 295–304.

Delin S., Engström L. 2010. Timing of organic fertiliser application to synchronise nitrogen supply with crop demand Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science vol. 60 78-88

Strömberg, N., Engelbrektsson, J. and Delin, S. A high throughput optical system for imaging optodes. Sensors and Actuators B 140, 418–425.

Delin, S., Nyberg, A., Lindén, B., Ferm, M., Torstensson, G.,  Lerenius C. and Gruvaeus, I. 2008. Impact of crop protection on nitrogen utilisation and losses in winter wheat production. European Journal of Agronomy 28, 361-370

Delin, S. and Berglund K. 2005. Management zones classified with respect to drought and waterlogging. Precision Agriculture 6, 321-340.

Delin, S., Lindén, B. and Berglund, K. 2005. Yield and protein response to fertilizer nitrogen in different parts of a cereal field: potential of site-specific fertilization. Europ. J. Agronomy 22, 325-336.

Delin, S. 2005. Within-field variations in grain protein content – relationships to yield and soil nitrogen and consistency in maps between years. Precision Agriculture 5, 565-577.

Delin, S. och Söderström, M. 2003. Performance of soil electrical conductivity and different methods for mapping soil data from a small dataset. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B. Soil and Plant Sci. 52, 127-135.

Delin, S. and Lindén, B. 2002. Relations between net nitrogen mineralization and soil characeteristics within an arable field. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B. Soil and Plant Sci. 52, 2, 78-85.


Research Group Leader at the Department of Soil and Environment; Soil nutrient cycling
Telephone: +4651167235, +46761346358
Postal address:
Inst f mark och miljö, precisionsodling, Box 234
53223 SKARA
Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 19, Skara