CV page
Sofia Nyman
I am person with a great interest for animal. I was born in Kristinehamn, Sweden and I am now doing my post-doc at the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden.
My current work is about the European red dairy breeds and their uniqe traits
Course leader for Naturvetenskaplig grundkurs -Sport and companion animals, 15hp
Course leader for Animal production - ruminants, 15hp
I am involved in a EU project called ReDiverse
In my research I am cooperation with breeding organisations as for example Viking Genetics and Växa Sverige, Geno but also other univeristies in Europe as e.g. Århus University
- 2018 - Dissertation
- 2009-2011 Teacher at the Agricultural High School Kvinnersta, Örebro, Sweden
- 2009 The County Administrative Board in Gävleborg (4 months)
- 2007 Ranch work in Canada (4 months)
- 2003-2009 Master of Animal Science, SLU
Selected publications
Doctoral thesis - Progesterone profiles, oestrus expression and pregnancy in dairy cows
Publications list: