Stergios Adamopoulos

Prof. Adamopoulos leads the Group of Fibres & Wood Composites with aim to develop greener products for furniture and building. He is familiar with wood microtechniques and microscopic analysis at different levels. His research interests relate to forest utilisation, wood anatomy and properties, wood protection and modification, recovery of materials, and sustainable wood fibre products.
SG0213 - Wood science and technology, 15 pts
Ongoing projects
Call: Vinnova: Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Industry and Digital Transformation 2024, Title: “2023-00564 - BioGlue-Centre: Competence Centre for Bio-based Adhesives”. Coordinator, January 2024 – December 2028, 109 M SEK
Call: HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-04, Title: “101057473 - EcoReFibre - Ecological solutions for recovery of secondary raw materials from post-consumer fibreboards”. Coordinator, May 2022 – April 2026, 11.8 M euros. Project website & SLU page
Call: HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-05, Title: “101112318 – FIBSUN - Novel fibre value chains and ecosystem services from sustainable feedstocks”. Co-applicant, May 2023 – April 2027, 4.49 M euros. SLU page
Call: Vinnova: Enabling technologies and processes for bio-based products, Title: “2023-00842 - TallBoard: Tall oil application in industrial fiberboards”. Co-applicant, June 2023 – November 2025, 12.5 M SEK
Call: Formas Annual open call 2022, Title: “Contribution of wood products to climate change mitigation”. Coordinator, January 2023 – December 2025, 3.0 M SEK
Call: Formas Annual open call 2022, Title: “Contribution of wood products to climate change mitigation”. Coordinator, January 2023 – December 2025, 3.0 M SEK. SLU page
Call: Formas Annual open call 2022, Research projects for early-career researchers, Title: “Framework for development and implementation of bio-based wood adhesive systems through fracture mechanical testing”. Co-applicant, January 2023 – December 2026, 4.0 M SEK. SLU page
Call: Vinnova SIO Graphene: Collaboration in commercial applications with graphene - autumn 2021, Title: “Graphene in sustainable glues for renewable materials”. Co-applicant, April 2022 – September 2024, 8.65 M SEK. SLU page
Call: LIFE 2020, Title: “LIFE20 ENV/UK/000329 - LIFE B3 FURN - Bio-based binder for furniture: Fibreboard production with microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) as binder”. Co-applicant, November 2021 – October 2024, 3.5 million euros. SLU page & Project website
Call: Formas: Resource-efficient and non-toxic, Title: “Resource-efficient and non-toxic material flows from wood waste”. Coordinator, September 2021 – August 2023, 3.9 M SEK. SLU page
Previous projects
Call: Vinnova: Planning grant Competence Centers within the Sustainable Industry, Title: “BioGlue-Centre: Competence Centre for Biobased Adhesives”. Coordinator, November 2021 – December 2022, 1.5 M SEK
Call: Vinnova – Materials with bio-based components designed for circularity, Title: “Novel starch-based adhesive systems to enable recycling of fibreboards”. Coordinator, June 2020 – October 2022, 3.9 M SEK. Project website
Call: Vinnova – Hypothesis testing step 2 - Innovative projects with higher risk, Title: “Tall-oil based hydrophobing formulations for industrial fibreboards”. Coordinator, May 2020 – April 2022, 8.5 M SEK. BioInnovation Newsletter & Project website
Call: Formas - Increased mobility between academy and practice 2019, Title: “Application of new biorefinery lignin-based adhesives in the wood panel industry”. Coordinator, January 2020 – December 2021, 1.0 M SEK. Project website
Carl Tryggers Stiftelse, Title: “X-ray density profile measuring system for wood composites”. Coordinator, January 2020 – December 2020, 0.47 M SEK. Project website
Call: Södras Research Foundation, Title: “Bio-based polyurethane adhesives for cross-laminated timber (CLT)”. Coordinator, September 2019 – March 2020, 0.5 M SEK. Project website
Call: Vinnova – BioInnovation: Hypothesis testing step 1 - Innovative projects with higher risk, Title: “Renewable hydrophobing agents for fibreboards based on tall oil”. Coordinator, May 2019 – October 2019, 1.0 M SEK. Project website
Call: Formas Annual open call 2018, Title: “Αgro-industry feedstocks and side streams for increasing the sustainability of wood panel production”. Coordinator, January 2019 – December 2021, 3.0 M SEK. Project website
Call: Formas Annual open call 2018 - Future research leaders, Title: “Tresa–Thermo-reversible starch-based adhesives for wood panels”. Co-applicant, January 2019 – December 2021, 3.0 M SEK. Project website
Call: Karl Erik Önnesjös Foundation, Title: “Creep behaviour of environmental-friendly wood panels under different service class situations”. Coordinator, June 2018 – May 2019, 229,082 SEK. Project website
Call: Lantmännens Research Foundation, Title: “From native wheat starch towards innovative adhesives for wood panels”. Coordinator, January 2018 – December 2019, 2.0 M SEK. Project website
Call: "The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity - Research and Education 2015" within the area "Announcement of Grants in the Field of Environmental Studies - sustainable product chains", Title: “Sustainable use of virgin and recovered raw material streams for innovative bio-based products and business stimulation in Southern Sweden”. Coordinator, January 2017 – December 2019, 4.2 M SEK. Project website
Call: Formas 2016, Forest raw material and biomass - Research and development Projects, Title: “Utilisation of renewable biomass and waste materials for production of environmental-friendly, bio-based composites”. Coordinator, January 2017 – December 2021, 10 M SEK. Doctoral thesis & Project website
Call: The Crafoord Foundation-Research grants 2016, Title: “Environmental friendly wood composites with bio-based additives”. Coordinator, September 2016 - August 2017, 0,3 M SEK. Project website
Call: Formas annual open call 2015 for research and development project grants, Title: “New aspects on the strength behaviour of thermally modified wood towards structural applications”. Coordinator, January 2016 – December 2018, 3 M SEK. Doctoral thesis
Call: Formas annual open call 2015 for research and development project grants, Title: “Continuous cover forestry systems: connections between management practice, wood quality and economic viability”, Co-applicant. January 2016 – December 2018, 3 M SEK. Doctoral thesis
Call: VINNMER Marie Curie Incoming 2015-09-16, Title: “QualityWBPs Innovative treatments and adhesives for high quality, sustainable wood-based panels”. Vinnova application for a post-doctoral appointment of a scientist from Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany. Co-applicant & principal mentor, January 2016 – June 2018, 2.8 M SEK. Project website
KK-Foundation, Title: “New environment-friendly board materials”. Main Professor to collaborate with IKEA, April 2015 – March 2019, 10.6 M SEK. Doctoral thesis
FP7 project Research for the benefit of SME associations FP7-SME-2012-2-315633-Fibre+ “Innovative paper packaging products for European SMEs based on functional modification of recovered fibres”. Co-applicant & technical coordinator, 2012-2015, 1 million euros. Cordis webpage
Glue Task Force Team, IKEA. Since 2016
University degree
Year: 1996, Discipline: Forest Engineer, Place: Aristotle University, Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, Thessaloniki, Greece
Doctoral degree
Year: 2001, Discipline: Wood Science, Title of dissertation: Anatomical characteristics and technical properties of black locust wood (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elias Voulgaridis, Aristotle University, Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, Thessaloniki, Greece
Postdoctoral research experience
Year: 2003-2004, Placement: EC Marie Curie Postdoctoral fellowship with project title “Characterisation of packaging from paper and paper products through the study of fibre composition”. AIDIMA (Wood, Furniture and Packaging Technology Institute), Technology Park of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Previous academic positions and appointments
Professor in Forest Products with specialisation Wood Properties, Linnaeus University, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, Växjo, Sweden, 2015 - 2022
Assistant and Associate Professor in Forest Utilisation & Wood Technology. Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly, Department of Forestry and Natural Environment & Department of Wood & Furniture Design, Greece. 2006 - 2015 (permanent position)
Professor in Wood Products. Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Department of Wood Biology and Wood Products, Göttingen, Germany. 2009 - 2012 (guest professor)
Assistant Professor in Wood Science. Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Forestry & Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, Nea Orestiada, Greece. 2004 - 2010 (non-permanent teaching staff)
Supervision of PhD students
- Active
Silvia Bibbo, Title: “Fibre materials from unexploited feedstock sources”. 2023
Desalegn Yadeta Wedajo, Title: “Climate change mitigation potential of wood products”. 2023
Changling Xu, Title: “Secondary materials from post-consumer MDF”. 2023
Valentin Silveira, Title: “Reversible bio-based adhesives for wood products”. 2021
- Completed
Nicolas Neitzel, Title: “Αgro-industry materials for wood panel products”. 20230609
Nils Fagerberg, Title: “Individual-tree-selection in uneven-sized Norway spruce stands in Southern Sweden”, 20221028 (co-supervisor)
Wen Jiang, Title: “Acid-catalyzed liquefaction of industrial side-streams for producing wood adhesives and particleboards”, 20220608
Grace Jones, Title: “Birch stem and wood traits in genetic and silviculture trials in southern Sweden”, 20220513
Joran van Blokland, Title: “Thermally modified timber: New aspects towards strength grading and structural applications”, 20201016
Venla Hemmilä, Title: “Towards low-emitting and sustainable particle- and fibreboards − Formaldehyde emission test methods and adhesives from biorefinery lignins”, 20191106
Mentoring of postdoc fellows
Dr. Adrien Letoffe (2021-23), Dr. Joran van Blokland (2021-23), Dr. Stephen Amiandamhen (2018-20), Dr. Reza Hosseinpourpia (2016-2018), Dr. Anuj Kumar (2016-2018)
Selected publications
Full list of publications at Google scholar
Publications list: