CV page

Susanne Lundesjö Kvart

Susanne Lundesjö Kvart
Licentiate of Philosophy in Education, working as a lecturer at Department of Equine Studies


Teacher in Equine science programme in pedagogics and didactics.


PhD student at Uppsala University in collaboration with Department of Equine studies. PhD project: ”The pedagogical practice of riding; learning, interaction and communication on tacit knowledge”

Selected publications

Lundesjö Kvart, S. (2013) Ridlärares pedagogiska praktik. En verksamhetsteoretisk studie. Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala 164. Uppsala universitet.

Related pages:


Lecturer at the Department of Animal Biosciences (HBIO); HBIO, Unit of Equine Studies
Telephone: +4618672156, +46705358941
Postal address:
HBIO, Hippologenheten
Box 7023
750 07 UPPSALA
Visiting address: Ulls väg 26, Uppsala