Svante Resjö
Selected publications
Burra, D.D., Vetukuri, R.R., Resjo, S., Grenville-Briggs, L.J., and Andreasson, E., RNAseq and Proteomics for Analysing Complex Oomycete Plant Interactions. Current issues in molecular biology, 2016. 19: p. 73-88.
Andreasson, E., Abreha, K.B., and Resjö, S., Isolation of Apoplast, in Isolation of Plant Organelles and Structures, N.L. Taylor and A.H. Millar, Editors. 2016, Humana Press. p. 290.
Hosseini, S., Resjo, S., Liu, Y., Durling, M., Heyman, F., Levander, F., Elfstrand, M., Funck Jensen, D., Andreasson, E., and Karlsson, M., Comparative proteomic analysis of hyphae and germinating cysts of Phytophthora pisi and Phytophthora sojae. Journal of proteomics, 2015. 117: p. 24-40.
Resjo, S., Ali, A., Meijer, H.J., Seidl, M.F., Snel, B., Sandin, M., Levander, F., Govers, F., and Andreasson, E., Quantitative label-free phosphoproteomics of six different life stages of the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans reveals abundant phosphorylation of members of the CRN effector family. Journal of proteome research, 2014. 13(4): p. 1848-59.