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Theodoros Ntallaris

Theodoros Ntallaris
I am a senior lecturer in ruminant medicine and a European specialist in domestic animal reproduction at the Department of Clinical Sciences. My work covers both individual animal health and reproductive health at individual and herd level. My research and teaching is mainly focused on fertility and reproductive health in ruminants, and together with my knowledgeable colleagues we ensure a broad and deep competence in the field of animal reproduction.


My main area is in clinical academic medicine. My work is a combination of clinical work in the field with research and teaching responsibilities. 


During my employment, I am involved in teaching, working as a clinic veterinarian at the Ambulatory Clinic,  and supervising veterinary students in the field of reproduction.


My research is focused on reproductive physiology, biotechnology and antimicrobial resistance. Special focus is given on reduced use of antibiotics.

Ongoing research projects:

Evaluating the prevalence and risk factors for antimicrobial resistance bacteria isolated from the anterior vagina of dairy cattle. Gustafsson and Whitmore International Dairy Cattle Research Fund Award (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, US)

An alternative to antibiotics in semen extenders – physical separation of spermatozoa from bacteria: an artificial insemination trial. Linnea och Axel Ericssons stipendiefond

Assessing differences in antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacteria in the anterior vagina of dairy cows before and after artificial insemination. Gustafsson and Whitmore Dairy Cattle Research Award Fund (Uppsala, SE)

Empowering Farmers to Close the Loop with Regenerative Agriculture Practices through VET. European Commission; Swedish Council For Higher Education


1. Annual Obstetrics Courses for Farmers (Since 2021):
  - Design and delivery of specialized courses tailored to educate farmers on animal reproductive health and management.
  - Direct engagement with the agricultural community, providing practical knowledge to enhance livestock well-being and productivity.

2. Fertility Consultant Specialist (2021-2023):
  - Industry engagement through a consultancy role, offering expertise in fertility and embryo transfer to Swedish dairy farmers.
  - Application of research insights to real-world agricultural practices, contributing to improved reproductive outcomes and herd management.

3. Embryo Transfer Veterinarian and embryo coordinator (2021-2023):
  - Industry engagement through a consultancy role, offering expertise in embryo transfer to Swedish dairy farmers.
  - Application of research insights to real-world agricultural practices, contributing to improved reproductive outcomes and reproductive biotechnology.

4. Collaborative Field Trials with Local Dairy Farms:
  - Initiating and overseeing field trials to validate the practical efficacy of reproductive management protocols derived from research.
  - Direct collaboration with farmers, translating scientific findings into actionable strategies for enhanced reproductive success.


Education and degree

2023 – Diplomate at European College of Animal Reproduction (ECAR)

2018 – PhD in veterinary medicine, Uppsala 2018

2010 – Additional education for veterinarians for receiving EU veterinary legitimation

2006 – Health Inspector, Sanitary Operation School, Athens Military Hospital

2006 – Specialist in obstetrics and artificial insemination, Belgrade

2003 - Degree in veterinary medicine, Belgrade


MSc project, Alice Eriksson: "Paresis puerparalis now and then and the treating veterinarians role". Main supervisor.

MSc project, Jenniefer Stridfeldt: "The influence of antimicrobial agents on the development of antibiotic resistance in the vaginal bacterial of artificially inseminated heifers". Main supervisor.

MSc project, Elin Olsson: "Dystocia in mares". Main supervisor.

MSc project, Agnes Holmlund: "Dystocia in dairy cows". Main supervisor.

MSc project, Alexandra Walfridsson: "Effect of time between euthanasia and sperm extraction on sperm quality of bull epididymal sperm". Main supervisor.

MSc project, Elin Wilén: " The Influence of Antimicrobial Agents on the Development of Antibiotic Resistance in the Vaginal Bacterial Flora of Inseminated Mares". Assisten supervisor.

MSc project, Elianna Natalie Alexandra Kantidenou: "Dama damas distribution, preservation and people’s awareness about the species in Rhodes, Greece". Main supervisor.

MSc project, Linda Hulling: "A clinical approach to uterine health in the postparturium period of the dairy cow". Assistant supervisor.

Selected publications


Ntallaris, T. (2018). Impacts of feeding intensity and breed on metabolism, negative energy balance and reproductive efficiency in dairy cows. Diss. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. ISBN 9789177601746. 


See all publications at Google Scholar or Research gate

Popular science:

Forskningsnytt djur, Juni 2023; Mjölkprov kan ge tidig upptäckt av fördröjd ägglossning

Land Landbruk NR 37, 9 September 2016:  Holstein mjölkar mer än SRB

Husdjur NR 11, 16 November 2016: Holstein prioriterar mjölken

European College of Animal Reproduction Newsletter 2/2015







Senior Lecturer at the ; Kliniska vetenskaper
Telephone: +4618671248
Postal address:
Box 7054
75007 Uppsala
Visiting address: Ulls väg 26, 756 51 Uppsala, Uppsala

Publications list: