Thomas Kronholm

Course leader and supervisor for master's thesis projects at SBT. Teaching on the topic of forestry contractors' business models and financial performance.
My research is focusing on private forest owners' business relations, objectives, and organization. I'm also studying forestry contractors' business models and profitability. Mainly working with surveys or qualitative interview studies.
I did my doctoral studies at SLU and presented my doctoral thesis in November 2015. The title of the thesis is "Forest owners' associations in a changing society". I have also worked as research secretary and faculty secretary at Linnaeus University in Växjö. I did my undergraduate studies in business administration at Umeå University.
Supervising master's thesis projects focusing on business related issues in relation to private forest owners, forestry contractors or the forest industry in general.
Selected publications
Kronholm, T., Olsson, R., Thyrel, M. & Häggström, C. (2024). Characterization of Swedish forestry contractors’ practices regarding occupational safety and health management. Forests 2024, 15, 545.
Kronholm, T. (2024). Non-industrial private forest owners’ knowledge and forest management preferences regarding forest damage in northern Sweden. Small-scale Forestry, 23, 85–108.
Kronholm, T. (2023). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on logging contractors in Sweden: A survey on personnel absenteeism, safety measures and economic impacts. Forests, 14, 2173.
Triplat, M., Helenius, S., Laina, R., Krajnc, N., Kronholm, T., Ženko, Z., Hujala, T. (2023). Private forest owner willingness to mobilise wood from dense, small-diameter tree stands. Forest Policy and Economics, 148, 102901.
Johansson, M., Erlandsson, E., Kronholm, T. & Lindroos, O. (2023). The need for flexibility in forest harvesting services – a case study on contractors’ workflow variations. International Journal of Forest Engineering, 34, 13–25.
Gercans, J., Kons, K., & Kronholm, T. (2022). Business success factors of Latvian and Swedish forestry contractors. International Journal of Forest Engineering
Kronholm, T. & Staal Wästerlund, D. (2021). Family Forest Owners’ Expectations and Perceptions of Service Quality in Timber Transactions in Sweden. Forests 2021, 12, 1513
Johansson, M., Erlandsson, E., Kronholm, T. & Lindroos, O. (2021). Key drivers and obstacles for performance among forest harvesting service contractors – a qualitative case study from Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research.
Kronholm, T., Larsson, I. & Erlandsson, E. (2021). Characterization of forestry contractors’ business models and profitability in Northern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 36, 491-501.
Kronholm T, Bengtsson D, Bergström D. 2020. Family Forest Owners’ Perception of Management and Thinning Operations in Young Dense Forests: A Survey from Sweden. Forests 2020, 11, 1151.
Kronholm T. 2020. Potential and approaches to stimulate, design and adopt new business models in the forestry service business in the NPA region. FOBIA project report.
Kronholm T. et al. 2019. State of the art and development needs of forestry service contractors in the Northern Periphery and Arctic region. FOBIA project report
Benjaminsson F., Kronholm T. & Erlandsson E. 2019. A framework for characterizing business models applied by forestry service contractors. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 34 (8), 779-788
Kronholm T. & Staal Wästerlund D. 2017. Elucidation of young adults’ relationships to forests in northern Sweden using Forest Story Cards. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 32 (7), ss.607-619.
Staal Wästerlund, D. & Kronholm, T. (2017). Family Forest Owners' Commitment to Service Providers and the Effect of Association Membership on Loyalty. Small-Scale Forestry, 16 (2), ss.275-293.
Kronholm T (2016). How are Swedish Forest Owners' Associations Adapting to the Needs of Current and Future Members and Their Organizations?. Small-Scale Forestry, 15 (4), ss.413-432.
Kronholm T (2015). Forest owners' associations in a changing society. Diss. Umeå: Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences . (2015:102)
Kronholm, T. & Staal Wästerlund, D. (2013). District Council Members and the Importance of Member Involvement in Organization Renewal Processes in Swedish Forest Owners' Associations. Forests, 4 (2), ss.404-432