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Tibebe Dejene Biasazin

Tibebe Dejene Biasazin
I hold a Ph.D. degree earned in 2017 and have since embarked on a dynamic research career. I have undertaken postdoctoral assignments, showcasing my commitment to advancing scientific knowledge. My accomplishments include securing two grants as a principal investigator and one as a co-applicant. Furthermore, I have played an instrumental role in nurturing future talent within academia by serving as a co-supervisor for numerous master's students. Currently, I am actively co-supervising three Ph.D. students, contributing to the advancement of our field.


I am actively involved in research within the field of chemical ecology, with a specific focus on tephritid fruit flies. In this inquiry, I am dedicated to uncovering the distinctions in sensory mechanisms between males and female tephritid fruit flies. My primary objective in this area of my research is to develop a highly efficient attractant tailored to female  tephritid fruit fly pests.

Additionally, my research extends to the intricate interactions between ants, aphids, and their natural predators. I am dedicated to investigating these complex ecological relationships. My work encompasses the disruption of ant-aphid mutualism through the application of volatile compounds, with the overarching goal of enhancing the ecological services of natural predators.


ISCA Technologies

Upper Awash Agro Industry Enterprise (UAAIE) - Midroc Ethiopia Group

Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

International centre of insect physiology and ecology (icipe) 



PhD degree,

Examination date: 2017-10-20, Organization: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Dissertation title: "The chemical ecology of the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis and the potential for novel odor-based management tools."

Masters degree,

Examination year: 2012, Organization: Addis Ababa University


Secondary supervision to Masters students: Sebastian Larsson Herrera, Tadiwos Woldehana, Betelehem Mekonnen

Secondary supervision to PhD students: Raphael Miano and Yoseph Baraki Woldu 

Selected publications

Biasazin, T.D., Herrera, S.L., Kimbokota, F. and Dekker, T., 2022. Diverging olfactory sensitivities to yeast volatiles reflect resource partitioning of tephritids and drosophilids. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, p.999762.

Biasazin, T.D., Larsson Herrera, S., Kimbokota, F. and Dekker, T., 2019. Translating olfactomes into attractants: shared volatiles provide attractive bridges for polyphagy in fruit flies. Ecology letters, 22(1), pp.108-118.

Biasazin, T.D., Chernet, H.T., Herrera, S.L., Bengtsson, M., Karlsson, M.F., Lemmen-Lechelt, J.K. and Dekker, T., 2018. Detection of volatile constituents from food lures by tephritid fruit flies. Insects, 9(3), p.119.

Biasazin, T.D., Wondimu, T.W., Herrera, S.L., Larsson, M., Mafra-Neto, A., Gessese, Y.W. and Dekker, T., 2021. Dispersal and competitive release affect the management of native and invasive tephritid fruit flies in large and smallholder farms in Ethiopia. Scientific reports, 11(1), p.2690.

Tibebe Dejene Biasazin, Miriam Frida Karlsson, Ylva Hillbur, Emiru Seyoum, Teun Dekker. (2014) Identification of Host Blends that Attract the African Invasive Fruit Fly, Bactrocera invadens. Journal of Chemical Ecology 40, 966-976.

Biasazin, T.D., 2017. The chemical ecology of the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis and the potential for novel odor-based management tools (Vol. 2017, No. 62). Department of Plant Protection Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences..

Getahun, M.N., Biasazin, T.D., Wolde-Hawariat, Y., Bengtsson, J.M., Hillbur, Y. and Seyoum, E., 2016. Metarhizium sp. isolated from dead Pachnoda interrupta (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) as a potential entomopathogenic fungus for the pest insect: proof-of-concept for autodissemination. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 36(1), pp.1-9.

Miano, R.N., Mohamed, S.A., Cheseto, X., Ndlela, S., Biasazin, T.D., Yusuf, A.A., Rohwer, E. and Dekker, T., 2022. Differential responses of Bactrocera dorsalis and its parasitoids to headspaces of different varieties of tree-attached mango fruits and the associated chemical profiles. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, p.1021795.

Miano, R.N., Dekker, T., Rohwer, E., Biasazin, T.D., Ndlela, S., Yusuf, A.A., Cheseto, X. and Mohamed, S.A., Mango Headspace Volatiles Trigger Differential Responses of the Mango Fruit Fly Ceratitis Cosyra and its Parasitoids. Available at SSRN 4522069.



Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology
Telephone: +4640-415352
Postal address:
Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190
234 22 LOMMA
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16, Alnarp