Tom Staveley
I have a broad background in fresh, brackish and marine ecology with a specialised interest in marine landscape ecology concepts and applications. In particular, fish ecological connectivity using methods such as acoustic telemetry.
In my current role, I am working with Atlantic and pink salmon monitoring and management on the Swedish west coast, boat electrofishing, eDNA applications in fish ecology as well as maerl habitat ecology and conservation. I am also a member of the internationalistion group at SLU Aqua.
Lecturer in field techniques for understanding fish assemblages
The invasive pink salmon: distribution, reproductive potential and biodiversity threats in Sweden. Swedish Research Council FORMAS funded project 2023-2024.
Fantastic maerl and where to find it- a comprehensive assessment of the occurrence and importance of Sweden´s hidden marine biogenic reefs. Swedish Research Council FORMAS funded project 2022-2025.
Ph.D in marine ecology. Stockholm University, Sweden
MSc. in marine biology. Stockholm University, Sweden
BSc. (Hons) in marine & environmental science. Murdoch University, Australia
PhD candidate Chiara D'Agata (co-supervisor), Uppsala Univeristy, 2022-2025
BSc. Rebecca Martin (main supervisor), SLU, 2023
BSc. Evelina Klavéus (main supervisor), SLU, 2023
MSc. Felix van der Meijs (main supervisor), Stockholm University, 2020
MSc. Emilie Andersson (co-supervisor), University of Gothenburg, 2020
MSc. Patrik Hernvall (co-supervisor), Stockholm University, 2018
MSc. Nellie Stjärnkvist (co-supervisor), Stockholm University, 2018
BSc. Felix van der Meijs (co-supervisor), Stockholm University, 2017
BSc. Sofie Westerberg (co-supervisor), Stockholm University, 2017
Selected publications
TAB Staveley & I Ahlbeck Bergendahl. 2022. Pink salmon distribution in Sweden: The calm before the storm? Ecology and Evolution 12, e9194.
TAB Staveley, P Hernvall, N Stjärnkvist, F van der Meijs, SA Wikström, M Gullström. 2020. Exploring seagrass fish assemblages in relation to the habitat patch mosaic in the brackish Baltic Sea. Marine Biodiversity 50.
D Perry, TAB Staveley, D Deyanova, S Baden, S Dupont, B Hernroth, H Wood, M Gullström. 2019. Global environmental changes negatively impact temperate seagrass ecosystems. Ecosphere 10(12).
TAB Staveley, DMP Jacoby, D Perry, F van der Meijs, I Lagenfelt, M Cremle, M Gullström. 2019. Sea surface temperature dictates movement and connectivity of Atlantic cod in a coastal fjord system. Ecology and Evolution 9, 9076–9086.
D Perry, TAB Staveley, L Hammar, A Meyers, R Lindborg, M Gullström. 2018. Temperate fish community variation over seasons in relation to large-scale geographic seascape variables. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75, 1723-1732.
D Perry, TAB Staveley, M Gullström. 2018. Habitat connectivity of fish in temperate shallow-water seascapes. Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 440.
TAB Staveley, D Perry, R Lindborg, M Gullström. 2017. Seascape structure and complexity influence temperate seagrass fish assemblage composition. Ecography 40 (8), 936-946.
L Nilsson, M Ogonowski, TAB Staveley. 2016. Factors affecting the local distribution of the Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis in Baltic offshore waters. Wildfowl 66, 142-158.