Torbjörn Larsson
I am interested in deep phylogenies and to produce things people find useful.
As intern at HGEN I have participated in the 2021 HEC course Bioinformatics BK0001 and as a member of the Online Bioinformatics Task Force organizing the GOBLET & EMBnet AGM 2021 Workshop Tutorial.
I am working on an MSc in Bioinformatics.
2019 Bioinformatician, Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University
- Developed a proteomics quality control pipeline with a GUI, and has completed a data analysis of electrophysiology in transport over intestinal membranes.
2018 Bioinformatician, Ettema Lab, Uppsala university
- Responsible for continued development of metagenome sequence data pipeline; contributed to mapping protists and identified a new protist species through combining 18S and 28S rRNA.
2016- M.Sc. Bioinformatics studies - ongoing 2nd year, Uppsala University
1983-1988 Ph.D. Electronics, Uppsala University
1978-1983 M.Sc. Engineering Physics, Uppsala University
Selected publications
Berg, S., Blom, H-O., Larsson, T., Nender, C. (1987). Modeling of reactive sputtering of compound materials. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Film, vol. 5, pp 202-207.