Torun Wallgren
I am a PhD studet at the department of Animal Environment and Health, Division of Environment, Care and Herd Health i Skara, Sweden.
I work with research, primarily concerning pig management and behaviour.
My PhD project is named "Effect of the housing environment and management on the indidence of tail biting in pigs".
The project is part of the EU-project FareWellDock, with the primary aim to end tail docking within the European Union. The Swedish part of the project mainly concerns straw usage, and how straw can be used to prevent tail biting.
In my research I am maily investigating the correlation between straw usage and prevalence of tail biting. The primary focus is straw management in commercial pig herds.
I am an agronomist, also holding a BSc and MSc in Animal Sience
Selected publications
A survey of straw use and tail biting in Swedish pig farms rearing undocked pigs
Wallgren, T., Westin, R., Gunnarsson, S. 2016. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 201658:84
Implication and impact of straw provision on behaviour, lesions and pen hygiene on commercial farms rearing undocked pigs.Wallgren, T., Larsen, A., Lundeheim, N., Westin, R., Gunnarsson, S. 2018. In press: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Tail Posture as an indicator of Tail Biting in Undocked Finishing Pigs. Wallgren, T., Larsen, A., Gunnarsson, S. Animals 2019, 9(1), 18;