CV page

Uliana Gottlieb

Uliana Gottlieb


Uliana Gottlieb is employed as a Researcher at the Decision-Making and Managerial Behaviour Group of the Department of Economics. Uliana is interested in behavioural aspects of sustainability accounting and reporting, their implications for decision-making and outcomes. Her current focus is on carbon management accounting and reporting across the supply chain as well as applying experimental methods to carbon accounting research. Her previous research experience is in management accounting in the SME and agricultural context using both qualitative and quantitative research methods.


2021 – 2023   FÖ0460 Sustainability and financial reporting, graduate course.  Course leader, lecturer, and examiner.

2023  FÖ0475 Accounting and management accounting. Undergraduate course. Lecturer in some modules, examiner

2023  FÖ0484 Management accounting II. Undergraduate course. Examiner. 

2021 – 2022  FÖ0426 Financial and managerial accounting II, undergraduate course. Course leader and lecturer in some modules. 

2019 – 2021  FÖ0373 Farm Management and Medium-Run Planning. TA in modules on operations planning and optimization. 


Uliana leads a Formas-funded research project "Aligning GHG emission reduction with economic resilience - the case of Science-Based Targets in the dairy sector" and a Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning project "Enabling management control under farm-level carbon targets: action research and advisors’ role". She was also involved in the Interdisciplinary Academy of SLU, collaborating on the theme of multifunctional landscapes. 


Uliana obtained her PhD in Business Economics at SLU researching the use of management accounting in small businesses and its linkages to financial outcomes, institutional norms, managerial financial literacy and accountability. She has an M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics within the double-degree Erasmus Mundus master programme "Agriculture Food and Environmental Policy Analysis" from SLU in Sweden and Bonn University in Germany. Her B.Sc. degree is in Agribusiness Management from the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Before her PhD training, she worked with agricultural policy issues in Kyiv and Brussels as well as with research network development for dairy farm- and sector analysis. 


Gottlieb supervises doctoral, master and bachelor level theses. 

Selected publications

Gottlieb U. & Hansson H. (In Press). Farmers' financial literacy – scale development and linkages to accounting practices and financial outcomes. Agribusiness.  

Gottlieb U. & Edenbrandt A. K. (2024). Impact investment preferences for carbon target difficulty, progress and science-based approval. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. 24, 100960.

Fors, H., Berlin, A., Gottlieb, U., Kågström, M., Weldon, J., & Zhang, J. (2024). Interdisciplinary insights into navigating the maze of landscape multifunctionality. People and Nature, 00:1–16.

Gottlieb U., Johed G. & Hansson H. (2022). Accounting and accountability for farm animals: conceptual limits and the possibilities of caring. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 84, 102409.

Gottlieb U., Hansson H. & Johed G. (2021). Institutionalised management accounting and control in farm businesses. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 37(2), 1-14.

Gottlieb, U. (2021). Management accounting in farm businesses. Diss. (summary) Sveriges lantbruksuniv., Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, 1652-6880. eISBN 978-91-7760-763-2 [Doctoral thesis]

Kågström, M., Berlin, A., Fors, H., Gottlieb, U., Weldon, J., & Zhang, J. (2023, September 15). Så underlättas tvärvetenskapligt arbete. Universitetsläraren.


Researcher leave of absence at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior
Telephone: +4618671635
Postal address:
Inst för ekonomi, Box 7013
Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Ultuna, Uppsala