Ulrika Jansson Klintberg
I often and willingly work in several stages throughout the entire communication process, from ideas, via sketches, discussions and processing to the finished product and distribution. Adapting the message to better suit the target group is part of the process. My experience includes work with a focus on digital channels such as web and social media, but also printed material. Following up and evaluating is both necessary and exciting in order to later develop and improve. I work with both text and image (still and film). As a practitioner but also as a client.
I enjoy and strive for, work that is inclusive, developing, and structured. When I feel that my work contributes to benefit a cause that engages me, it feels extra good. For me, this is truly fulfilled through my work as a communications officer at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment. Helping to spread the important knowledge that exists.
Do you work at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment?
I am happy to discuss anything that has to do with communication. Get in touch if you want to discuss communication in any way, have an idea for collaboration, or want to highlight research results in different formats and channels.
I can e.g. help with:
- How to make your CV page on the web
- Communication plans, for example in applications
- Web - structure and content
- News articles or press releases
- Brainstorm outreach activities.
Looking for someone with knowledge of water?
Do you have questions about, for example, aquatic environments in Sweden, animals living in or near water, what substances or pollutants are in water, hydrology? Environmental monitoring and analysis? Get in touch with me and I'll help you find someone who can answer!