Valentin Picasso

My research includes: 1) agronomic management of new perennial dual-purpose crops for forage and grain (e.g., Kernza intermediate wheatgrass, Silflower, perennial wheat) with an emphasis on optimizing intercropping, 2) assessing resilience of forages and cropping systems to climate change, 3) agroecological intensification of livestock grazing systems, 4) transdisciplinary approaches for sustainable agriculture.
I grew up in Montevideo, Uruguay, where I studied Agronomy at the Facultad de Agronomia at University of Uruguay (UDELAR). I earned a PhD in Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University (USA). I have been faculty at University of Uruguay, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and SLU. I have researched forages, livestock grazing systems, agroecology, adaptation of farming systems to climate change, and perennial grain systems. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in International Agriculture, Agroecology, and Forages. I enjoys training young padawans in the ways of sustainability science, as well as biking, ice skating, skiing, sailing, and traveling with my family around the world.
Selected publications
Pinto, P., Cartoni-Casamitjana, E., Stoltenberg, D.E., Picasso, V.D. 2024. Forage boost or grain blues? Legume choices shape Kernza intermediate wheatgrass dual-purpose crop performance. Field Crops Research 316, 109522.
Pizarro, D.M., Zarza, R., Boggiano, P., Cadenazzi, M, Picasso, V.D 2024. Botanical composition gradients in silvopastoral systems on temperate native grasslands of Uruguay. Agroforestry Systems 98, 2055–2068.
Culman, S., Pinto, P., Pugliese, J., Crews, T., DeHaan, L., Jungers, J., Larsen, J., Ryan, M., Schipanski, M., Sulc, M., Wayman, S., Wiedenhoeft, M., Stoltenber, D., & Picasso, V. 2023. Forage harvest management impacts “Kernza” intermediate wheatgrass productivity across North America. Agronomy Journal 115, 2424–2438.
Locatelli, A., Gutierrez, L., Duchene, O., Speranza, P. R., and Picasso, V. D. 2023. Agronomic assessment of two populations of intermediate wheatgrass—Kernza® (Thinopyrum intermedium) in temperate South America. Grassland Research 1(4), 262–278.
Picasso, V. D., Berti, M., Cassida, K., Collier, S., Fang, D., Finan, A., Krome, M., Hannaway, D., Lamp, W., Stevens, A. W., and Williams, C. 2022. Diverse perennial circular forage systems are needed to foster resilience, ecosystem services, and socioeconomic benefits in agricultural landscapes. Grassland Research 1( 2), 123– 130.
Franco J.G., M.T. Berti, J.H. Grabber, J.R. Hendrickson, C.C. Nieman, P. Pinto, D. Van Tassel, and V. Picasso. 2021. Ecological Intensification of Food Production by Integrating Forages (Review). Agronomy 11, 2580.
Sanford, G.R., R. Jackson, E. Booth, J.L. Hedtcke, and V. Picasso. 2021. Perenniality and diversity drive output stability and resilience in a 26-year cropping systems experiment. Field Crops Research 263: 108071.
Sakiroglu, M., Dong, C., Hall, M.B., Jungers, J. and Picasso, V. 2020. How does nitrogen and forage harvest affect belowground biomass and non‐structural carbohydrates in dual use Kernza intermediate wheatgrass? Crop Science 2020; 1-12. DOI:10.1002/csc2.20239
Picasso, V., M. Casler, D. Undersander. 2019. Resilience, Stability, and Productivity of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Cultivars in Rainfed Regions of North America. Crop Science. 59:1–11. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.06.0372
Picasso, V. 2017. The “biodiversity – ecosystem function debate”: an interdisciplinary dialogue between Ecology, Agriculture and Agroecology. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 42(3):264-273.
Picasso, V., P. Modernel, G. Becoña, L. Salvo, L. Gutiérrez, L. Astigarraga. 2014. Sustainability of meat production beyond carbon footprint: a synthesis of case studies from grazing systems in Uruguay. Meat Science 98: 346–354.
Picasso, V.; E.C. Brummer; M. Liebman; P. M. Dixon; B. J. Wilsey. 2008. Crop Species Diversity Affects Productivity and Weed Suppression in Perennial Polycultures under Two Management Strategies. Crop Science 48: 331-342