Wiebke Neumann

Research interests
I have always been interested in understanding how animals respond and interact with their dynamic environment, conspecifics as well as other species, including humans. This interest builds the red thread in both my education and research. Addressing research questions that combine behavioral, movement, physiological and spatial ecology linked to landscape aspects that might be biologically and ecologically relevant, therefore create the optimal link to feed my interests. Generating knowledge that supports decision-making in wildlife management and landscape planning has always been close in my research, and thus much of my research has an applied focus. Today, human activity increasingly expand into wildlife habitat, which not only increases the frequency of contacts between wildlife and humans year-around, but also leaves long-lasting ecological footprints in wildlife habitat (e.g., land use). In addition, changed climatic conditions affect wildlife and generate new dynamics. Next to my research on wildlife, I also work with the spatial interaction among different land use interests and its implication for their sustainable co-existence, including specific questions on wind power establishment, forestry, biodiversity or hunting in relation to other interests. During the past years, I have become part of research on restoration ecology within managed boreal forest landscapes to evaluate the effect of different restoration measures. Within my area of research, I combine empirical and GIS-based approaches and use statistical and spatial analyses. For many of my research objectives, I am utilizing remote monitoring techniques like devices for GPS-tracking and passive acoustic monitoring and combine the data they collect with existing environmental data.
I have been course leader for two distance coursees on the global wildlife ecology courses at our department and I am co-assistant leader of the course 'Ecological disturbances in forests - silvicultural challenges under climate change', which is given on the Bachelor level. Next, to lectures in these courses, I am teaching in other courses, addressing topics on spatial and behaviroal ecoloy of wildlife, human-wildlife interactions, and wildlife management aspects.
Recent projects I have been involved in considered general aspects of the movement and spatial ecology of moose, roe deer, and reindeer in different human-modified landscapes as well as evaluation of a method to quantify infrastructure effects on landscape connectivity for large mammals and the development of an innovative green land-use plan on municipality level. I have been part of the Swedish Energy Agency financed project ”Hållbar landbaserad vindkraft - synergi, integration eller konflikt mellan riksintressen” (project leader Johan Svensson) that focus on synergies and conflicts among different land use interests in relation to wind power. I have been part of the Swedish EPA financed project Beyond Moose (project leader: Joris Cromsigt) that focus on ungulate interactions in multi-species systems and their impacts on surrounding environment in human-modified landscapes. I am and have been the leader for different moose marking projects within Sweden. Currently, I am leading in the project ‘Viltsamverkan i brandens spår (’Game cooperation in the wake of a forest fire’) that quantifies moose distribution, migration, reproduction and resource utilization following an extensive forest fire that have been taken place in the summer 2018 and closely collaborates with the Scandinavian Brown Bear Project and the Swedish Wolf Project SKANDULV. In close connection to this project, I am leading a project studying the prey-predator interactions between deer species and multiple large carnivores. In the very north of Sweden, near the mountain village Nikkaluokta (latitude 67), we study the effects of climate on a large-bodied herbivore like moose. I am part of the Ecopark project (project leader: Anne-Maarit Hekkala), in which we evaluate the effects of restoration measures within managed forest landscapes along a latitudinal gradient.
Environmental analysis
I am the Deputy Director of the SLU Forest Damage Centre with focus on monitoring. Within the centre, we have a focus on the continuous data collection on damage and populations or agents that cause damage in Swedish forest ecosystems. The monitoring activities financied by the Centre focus on strengthening and complementing ongoing monitoring within forest ecosystems within Sweden, as well as funding method and model development.
I have been and I am the supervisor for several Master thesis projects.
PhD candidates
Desiree Guidobaldi, Landscape utilization of large and long-lived herbivore in multifunctional forestland, 2022-ongoing, main supervisor, Swedish University of Agriculture
Lucie Lemiere, Reproductive ecophysiology and phenology of the two largest Scandinavian mammals, the moose and the brown bear, in a changing climate, 2022-ongoing, co-supervisor, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (main supervisor Alina L Evans)
Paulina Bergmark, Insekter och svampar: utvärdera ekoparkskonceptet om det är ett effektivt sätt att bedriva naturvård på, co-supervisor, Swedish University of Agriultural Sciences (main supervisor Anne-Maarit Hekkala)
Graduated PhD students
Dr. Sabine Pfeffer, Impacts of multi-species deer communities on boreal forests across ecological and management scales, co-supervisor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (main supervisor Navinder Singh)
Selected publications
Peer-viewed publications
32 Tallian A, Mattisson J, Stenbacka F, Neumann W, Johansson A, Støen O-G, Kindberg J. 2023. Proximity-sensors on GPS collars reveal fine-scale predator-prey behavior during a predation event: A case study from Scandinavia. Ecol Evol 13:e10750, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10750
31 Horstkotte T, Sandström P, Neumann W, Skarin A, Adler S, Roos U, Sjögren J. 2023. Semi-domesticated reindeer avoid winter habitats dominated by exotic tree species Pinus contorta. Forest Ecology Management 540, 121062. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378112723002967
30 Svensson J, Neumann W, Bjärstig T, Thellbro C. 2023. Wind power distribution across subalpine, boreal and temperate landscapes. Ecology and Society 28(4):18. [online] URL: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol28/iss4/art18
29 Græsli AR, Thiel A, Beumer LT, Fuchs B, Stenbacka F, Neumann W, Singh NJ, Ericsson G, Arnemo JM, Evans AL. 2023. Thermal and behavioural responses of moose to chemical immobilisation from a helicopter. Journal of European Wildlife Research 69, 47. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10344-023-01673-3
28 Spitzer R, Coissac E, Cromsigt JPGM, Felton A, Fohringer C, Landman M, Neumann W, Raubenheimer D, Singh N, Taberlet P, Widemo F. 2023. Macro-nutritional balancing in a circumpolar boreal ruminant under winter conditions. Functional Ecology 27, 1256-1268.
27 Bluhm H, Diserens T, Engleder T, Heising K, Janík T, Jirků M, König HJ, Kowalczyk R, Kuijper D, Maślanko W, Michler F, Neumann W, Oeser J, Olech W, Perzanowski K, Ratkiewicz M, Romportl D, Šálek M, […], Kuemmerle T. 2023. Widespread habitat for Europe’s largest herbivores, but poor connectivity limits recolonization. Diversity and Distribution, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ddi.13671
26 Thellbro C, Bjärstig T, Svensson J, Neumann W, Zachrisson A. 2022. Readiness and planning for more wind power: municipalities as key actors implementing national strategies. Cleaner Energy Systems 3, 100040, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cles.2022.100040
25 Græsli AR, Thiel A, Fuchs B, Stenbacka F, Neumann W, Malmsten J, Singh NJ, Ericsson G, Arnemo JM, Evans Al. 2022. Body temperature patterns during pregnancy and parturition in moose. Journal of Thermal Biology 109, 103334, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2022.103334
24 Neumann W, Levers C, Widemo F, Singh NJ, Cromsigt JPGM, Kuemmerle T. 2022. Hunting as land use: Understanding the spatial associations among hunting, agriculture, and forestry. Ecology and Society 27,2. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-12882-270102
23 Bjärstig T, Mancheva I, Zachrisson A, Neumann W, Svensson J. 2021. Is large-scale wind power a problem, solution, or victim? A frame analysis of the debate in Swedish media. Energy Research & Social Science 83, 102337. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214629621004291
22 Zachrisson A, Bjärstig T, Thellbro C, Neumann W, Svensson J. Participatory comprehensive planning to handle competing land-use priorities in the sparsely populated rural context. Journal of Rural Studies 88, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.09.031
21 Van Moorter B, Singh NJ, Rolandsen CM, Solberg EJ, Dettki H, Pusenius J, Månsson J, Sand H, Milner JM, Roer O, Tallian A, Neumann W, Ericsson G, Mysterud A. 2021. The role of density dependence for partially migratory populations with seasonal range contraction and expansion. Oikos, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/oik.07875
20 Græsli AR, Le Grand L, Thiel A, Fuchs B, Devineau O, Stenbacka F, Neumann W, Ericsson G, Singh NJ, Laske TG, Beumer LT, Arnemo JM, Evans AL. 2020. Physiological and behavioural responses of moose to hunting with dogs. Conservaion Physiology 8, coaa122; doi:10.1093/conphys/coaa122.
19 Neumann W, Widemo F, Singh NJ, Seiler A, Cromsigt JPGM. 2020. Strength of correlation between wildlife collision data and hunting bags varies among ungulate species and with management scale. Eur J Wildl Res 66, 89. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10344-020-01432-8
18 Svensson J, Neumann W, Zachrisson A, Bjärstig T, Thellbro C. 2020. National land-use and landscape interests in alpine and boreal landscapes – aspects of conflict, integration and synergy in sustainable landscape approaches. Sustainability 12, 5113; https://doi.org/10.3390/su12125113
17 Neumann W, Singh NJ, Stenbacka F, Malmsten J, Wallin K, Ball JP, Ericsson G. 2020. Divergence in parturition timing and vegetation onset in a large herbivore - differences along a latitudinal gradient. Biology Letters 16: 20200044; https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2020.0044
16 Græsli AR, Thiel A, Fuchs B, Singh NJ, Stenbacka F, Ericsson G, Neumann W, Arnemo JM, Evans AL. 2020. Seasonal hypometabolism in female moose. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:107; doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00107
15 Neumann W, Sandström C, Holmgren L, Ericsson G. 2019. Defining a Mountain Landscape characterized by grazing using actor perception, governmental strategy, and environmental monitoring data. Journal of Mountain Sciences 16, 1691-1701. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-018-5258-x.
14 Evans AL, Fuchs B, Randi Græsli A, Neumann W, Stenbacka F, Singh NS, Ericsson G, Malmsten J, Arnemo JM. 2019. Rate of Cooling in a Moose Carcass. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 55, 710-712. DOI: 10.7589/2018-05-114
13 Neumann W, Ericsson G. 2018. Influence of Hunting on Movements of Moose near Roads. Journal of Wildlife Management 82, 918-928. https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.21448
12 Niemi M, Rolandsen CM, Neumann W, Kukko T, Tiilikainen R, Pusenius J, Solberg EJ, Ericsson G. 2017. Temporal patterns of moose-vehicle collisions with and without personal injuries. Accident Analysis and Prevention 98, 167-173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2016.09.024
11 Stenset N, Lutnæs P, Bjarnadóttir V, Dahle B, Fossum K, Jigsved P, Johansen T, Neumann W, Opseth O, Rønning O, Steyaert S, Zedrosser A, Brunberg S, Swenson J. 2016. Seasonal and annual variation in the diet of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in the boreal forest of southcentral Sweden. Wildlife Biology 22, 107-116. http://dx.doi.org/10.2981/wlb.00194
10 Ericsson G, Dettki H, Neumann W, Arnemo JM, Singh NJ. 2015. Offset between GPS collar recorded temperature in moose and ambient weather station data. European Journal Wildlife Research 61, 919. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10344-015-0968-7
9 Ericsson G, Neumann W, Dettki H. 2015. Moose anti-predator behaviour towards baying dogs in a wolf-free area. European Journal Wildlife Research, 61: 575-582. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10344-015-0932-6
8 Neumann W, Martinuzzi S, Estes AB, Pidgeon AM, Dettki H, Ericsson G, Radeloff VC. 2015. Opportunities for the application of advanced remotely-sensed data in ecological studies of terrestrial animal movement. Movement Ecology, 3:8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40462-015-0036-7
7 Neumann W, Ericsson G, Dettki H, Radeloff V. 2013. Behavioural response to infrastructure of wildlife adapted to natural disturbances. Landscape Urban Plan 114, 9-27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2013.02.002
6 Neumann W, Ericsson G, Dettki H, Bunnefeld N, Keuler N, Helmers D, Radeloff V. 2012. Difference in spatiotemporal patterns of wildlife road-crossings and wildlife-vehicle collisions. Biol Conserv 145, 70-78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2011.10.011
5 Neumann W, Ericsson G, Dettki H, Arnemo JM. 2011. Effect of immobilizations on female moose Alces alces activity and space use. Can J Zool 89, 1013-1018. https://doi.org/10.1139/z11-076
4 Neumann W, Ericsson G, Dettki H. 2011. The impact of human recreational activities – moose as a case study. Alces 47, 17-25. https://alcesjournal.org/index.php/alces/article/view/95
3 Stoen O-G, Neumann W, Ericsson G, Swenson J E, Dettki H, Kindberg J, Nellemann C. 2010. Behavioral response of moose and brown bears to direct helicopter approach by researchers. Wildlife Biology 16, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.2981/09-041
2 Neumann W, Ericsson G, Dettki H. 2010. Does off-trail backcountry skiing disturb moose? Eur J Wildl Res 56, 513-518. DOI 10.1007/s10344-009-0340-x
1 Neumann W, Ericsson G, Dettki H. 2009. The non-impact of hunting on moose Alces alces movement, diurnal activity, and activity range. European J Wildl Res 55, 255-265. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10344-008-0237-0
Book chapters
Niedzialkowska M, Neumann W, Borowik T, Kołodziej-Sobocińska M, Malmsten J, Arnemo JM, Ericsson G. 2022. Moose Alces alces (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Hackländer, K., Zachos, F.E. (eds) Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65038-8_23-1, first online 2022-05-27.
Helldin J-O, Skarin A, Neumann W, Olsson M, Jung J, Kindberg J, Lindberg N, Widemo F. 2017. The effects of wind power on terrestrial mammals- predicting impacts and identifying areas for future research. In: Wildlife and Windfarms, Onshore: Potential Effects (Volume 1) edited by Martin Perrow. Pelagic Publishing, Chapter 10. ISBN 9781784271190
Popular science publications
I am involved in more than 70 reports. For more details, please check:
Fact sheets
Neumann W, Ericsson G, Sävberger L, Seiler A. 2011. Adaptiv älgförvaltning nr 12: Älg och trafik. Faktablad Fakta Skog 21, p 4.