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Ylva Nyberg

Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Crop Production Ecology and the Department of Soil and Environment


Ylva has mostly worked with research in small-scale agroforestry and cropping systems in the tropics, mainly in East Africa but also in Southeast Asia. She has tried to find connections between different parts of the agricultural systems in order to be able to find and weigh the necessary trade-offs and identify potential synergies through the farmer's eyes.

Ylva has worked with both qualitative and quantitative methods  to better understand climate adaptation, farm management practices, economy and labour, gender roles, the role of advisory services and the role of trees and livestock in more or less complex agricultural systems for different functions / ecosystem services on small-scale farms in western Kenya.

Nowadays, Ylva works more with the role of extension services in small-scale agriculture in the project AgriFoSe2030 and with research that links land, vegetation and livestock with human livelihood and health in a project in arid areas in Kenya and Uganda (Drylands Transform).


Ylva has taught within a few courses on topics like agroforestry, participatory field methods, soil chemistry etc and has supervised BSc and MSc students in writing their thesis and carrying out their field work.


Ylva is currently working in two projects with collaboration and research in sub-Saharan Africa and southern and southeast Asia.


She has a MSc in Agronomy (finished in 2004) with international focus.

Her dissertation in crop production science was about smallholder farm management and priorities and how they are balancing productivity, livelihood, climate adaptation and ecosystem services. It was completed in 2020.

Selected publications

Nyberg Y., Wetterlind J., Jonsson M., Öborn I. (2021). Factors affecting smallholder adoption of adaptation and coping measures to deal with rainfall variability, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, DOI:10.1080/14735903.2021.1895574

Nyberg, Y., Musee, C., Wachiye, E., Jonsson, M., Wetterlind, J., Öborn, I. (2020). Effects of Agroforestry and Other Sustainable Practices in the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project (KACP). Land 9(10).     

Nyberg, Y. (2020). Smallholder farm management and priorities Balancing productivity, livelihood, climate adaptation and ecosystem services. ISBN (print version) 978-91-7760-602-4. ISBN (electronic version) 978-91-7760-603-1. SLU Service/Repro, Uppsala, Sweden.

Nyberg, Y., Wetterlind, J., Jonsson, M., Öborn, I. (2020). The role of trees and livestock in ecosystem service provision and farm priorities on smallholder farms in the Rift Valley, Kenya. Agricultural Systems, vol.181, 102815.

Nyberg, Y., Jonsson, M., Laszlo Ambjörnsson, E., Wetterlind, J., Öborn, I. (2020). Smallholders’ awareness of adaptation and coping measures to deal with rainfall variability in Western Kenya. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2020.1782305

Kuyah S, Öborn I, Jonsson M, Dahlin SA, Barrios E, Muthuri E, Malmer A, Nyaga J, Magaju C, Namirembe S, Nyberg Y, Sinclair FL. (2016) Trees in agricultural landscapes enhance provision of ecosystem services in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management (IJBSESM) (in press)            

Minh, N.D., Hough, R.L., Thuy, L.T., Nyberg, Y., Mai, L.B., Vinh, N.C., Khai, N.M. & Öborn, I. 2012. Assessing dietary exposure to cadmium in a metal recycling community in Vietnam: age and gender aspects. Science of the Total Environment 416:164-171.

Hoang Fagerström, M.H, Tran Yem, Pham Quang Ha, Vu Dinh Tuan, Valhed, C., Kvamme, K. Nyberg, Y. 2006. Characterization and diagnosis of rural-urban interface farming in the Tu Liem and Thanh Tri districts of Hanoi city, Vietnam. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. Vol 3 No 3 pp. 177-188.
