
Scientists, your opinion counts: How do you engage with agricultural policy and practice?

Published: 23 December 2016

Heads up all food and agriculture scientists in sub-Saharan Africa and in South/Southeast Asia! Take part in a region-wide survey on how scientists in SSA, South and Southeast Asia engage with policy-makers and practitioners.

This survey is part of the Agriculture for Food Security (AgriFoSe2030), a programme financed by Sida and implemented by the Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Stockholm Environment Institute, Lund University and University of Gothenburg. AgriFoSe2030 was set up to translate state-of-the-art science into agricultural policy and practice in sub-Saharan Africa and in South and Southeast Asia.

The program will collect, synthesize and analyze scientific findings, knowledge and information from ongoing research to support science-based decision-making and improved practices. The aim is also to train researchers in sub-Saharan Africa and South and South East Asia in critical analysis, in the synthesis of policy relevant reports, and in dialogues to translate science into useful and comprehensive information applicable to the work of practitioners and policy-makers.

For more information about the programme see here.

The purpose of the survey is to make an assessment of the existing policy-science interaction in the field of agriculture and food security, and to see how research is communicated to and used by practitioners and policy-makers. By the end of the program we will send out a follow-up survey to explore if there is any potential improvement or changes in your policy interactions and dialogues.

Taking the survey should not take more than 5-10 minutes. We hope that we will have the pleasure to take part of your insights!

Thank you for contributing!

Link to survey


Ulf Magnusson, Professor
Programme Director of AgriFoSe2030, SLU, 018-672324