
"Sustainable consumption" - Department involved in major new project

Published: 19 June 2017

Mistra has granted 45 million SEK to a research program on sustainable consumption, where Rob Hart is part of the research group.

KTH will lead the work in which researchers from several universities are involoved. Furthermore, a number of significant players from industry and the public sector are included, and these contribute an additional eight million in co-financing.  

Growth-driven consumption of goods and services constitutes an important base in modern society. At the same time, many of the environmental problems facing the world are closely linked to our production and consumption patterns. This includes negative climate impact, unsustainable resource use, ecosystem depletion, reduced biodiversity and emissions of environmental pollutants.  

To address these problems, the Foundation for Environmental Strategic Research, Mistra, is setting up a new research program that will, in the long run, contribute to reducing the environmental impact of consumption: "Sustainable consumption - from niche to mainstream".

Rob's contribution will be to analyse the consequences, for the economy as a whole, of a shift towards sustainable consumption practices, including sharing of goods and services, downsizing by consuming less, and shifting towards more resource-efficient products and services. What are the consequences for economic growth and welfare, including the provision of services such as education and health care?

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