
Best Paper Awards to Lotten Westberg

Published: 30 August 2017
Lotten Westberg. Photo.

The article “The role of learning in transdisciplinary research: moving from a normative concept to an analytical tool through a practice-based approach” has been selected as the Outstanding article in the 2016 Sustainability Science Best Paper Awards.

Lotten Westberg, researcher at the depertment of Urband and Rural Development, division of environmental communication, has written the article together with Merritt Polk, University of Gothenburg. It was published in Sustainability Science Vol.11 Issue-3 and was selected as the Outstanding article in the 2016 Sustainability Science Best Paper Awards.

The award is conducted to recognize the contributions of researchers that further enhance the understanding of sustainability science and demonstrate high standards of scientific quality. The paper has been selected considering the reviewer impression scores, number of downloads and citations, and number of nominations by editorial board members. Following a multistage selection process among 62 eligible papers in 2016, the highest scoring papers were presented to the selection committee to select the winning papers.

The award provides acknowledgements to the winning paper in form of an award plate, certificates for authors, a 200 euro book voucher from Springer and 2 months of open access after formal announcement (in September Issue-2017).