
Tsegaye Ginbo Gatiso joins the Department of Economics

Published: 26 September 2017

Tsegaye joined the department this summer to start his PhD studies here at SLU. Here is an interview to get to know him better.

How come you applied for doctoral studies at the department of economics?

Well, I have been working as a junior research officer at the Ethiopian Development Research Institute where I participated in different research projects focusing on climate resilient and green economy issues. My research interest has been informed by the challenges we face in Ethiopia pertaining to climatic changes. Hence, I become keen to pursue further study in economics of climate change and natural resource management. The specialized training and research in natural resources and agriculture at the department of economics at SLU inspire me and influenced my decision to apply for doctoral study at the department.

Who will you be working with and what projects will you be involved in?

I will be doing my PhD research under the supervision of Carl Lagerkvist, Luca Di Corato, Ruben Hoffmann, Micaela Kulesz, and Yves Surry. Our research project focuses on climate change adaptation under uncertainty. Particularly, we aim to identify the main drivers of farmer’s decision-making behavior under uncertainty using economic theory, mathematical modeling and experimental approaches.

Quick questions:

Home cooked food or take away?
Take away, because I’m not good at cooking

Books or Netflix?
Mostly books

Tea or coffee?
Coffee, it sparkles my interest for work

If you could choose to live in a TV-serie or a movie which one would it be? 
I prefer TV-serie like a comedy shows to movies 

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