
EFSA fellowship

Published: 19 January 2018

Fellow applications for the next cycle 2018-2019, deadline 31 January 2018. EU-FORA is a unique opportunity for early to mid-career scientists from EU national risk assessment authorities or any other (SLU, SVA, SLV). The programme offers motivated candidates to increase their knowledge and hands-on experience in food safety risk assessment.

The programme’s principal focus is on chemical and microbiological risk assessment. It is aimed at professionals from the following fields: molecular biology, biology, microbiology, veterinary/human medicine, agronomy/agricultural science, biochemistry, chemistry, environmental science, food technology or toxicology. Including animal welfare. 

How does it work?

For a 12-month period of ‘learning-by-doing’ fellows will be placed in another European food safety risk assessment organisation outside their home country. At the hosting sites, they will be fully integrated, participate in the organisation’s work, gain first-hand experience, and increase their knowledge of many scientific aspects relevant to food safety risk assessment. 

EFSA’s fellowship initiative contributes to building the EU’s scientific assessment capacity and knowledge community. It will enhance cooperation among Europe’s food safety agencies and between them and EFSA, thus contributing to the harmonisation of food risk assessment practices across Europe. 

List of competent organisations designated by the member states which may assist EFSA with its mission: Article 36 organisation.

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