
New research projects about environmental contaminants, sustainable development and arctic ecosystem services

Published: 16 November 2018
Rain drops on a water surface. Photo.

Researcher from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment were granted substantial funding for several new projects, focused on environmental issues such as biodiversity in the arctic, environmental contaminants and sustainable development goals.

The funding was received from The Swedish Research Council, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas) and BiodivERsA, an EU network of national and regional funding organizations promoting research on biodiversity and ecosystem services.


Scenarios of freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing Arctic. Main applicant: Willem Goedkoop. 5 million SEK.

The Swedish Research Council

Rethinking recovery rates from mercury (Hg) pollution by reconciling evasion of legacy Hg pollution from peatlands with historical records of Hg accumulation and isotope signatures in peat profiles. Main applicant: Kevin Bishop. 2.5 million SEK.


Risk modeling of mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals relevant to human exposure, using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo as model organism (RiskMix). Main applicant: Jana Weiss.  Co-applicant from the department Oksana Golovko. 12 million SEK.

Environmental impact of gas ebullition in fiberbank sediments – flux measurements and X-ray tomography for improved remediation strategies. Main applicant: Anna-Karin Dahlberg.  Co-applicant from the department: Karin Wiberg. 3 million SEK.

Evidensbaserad hantering av SDG-synergier och konflikter: Förnyelse av miljöanalysen för en mer effektiv roll i Agenda 2030. Main applicant: Kevin Bishop. 2 million SEK.

Exposure and Effects of Chemical Mixtures on Bees (MixToxBee) - Supporting Pesticide Monitoring and Bee Risk Assessment. Main applicant Maj Rundlöf, Lunds University. Co-applicant from the department Ove Jonsson. 12 million SEK.

Effect-directed analysis as a tool towards a non-toxic environment - identification of mixture effects and toxicity drivers in water (DANTE). Main applicant: Johan Lundqvist, SLU.  Co-applicants from the department: Lutz Ahrens, Karin Wiberg and Pablo Gago Ferrero. 12 million SEK.

Food waste to new food in an urban context – production, risk assessment and consumer acceptance. Main applicant: Malin Hultberg, SLU. Co-applicants from the department: Lutz Ahrens and Karin Wiberg. 7 million SEK.

Effekt-driven analys – ett nytt sätt att bedöma vattenkvalitet och identifiera okända miljögifter. Main applicant: Johan Lundqvist, SLU.  Co-applicants from the department: Lutz Ahrens and Karin Wiberg. 3 million SEK.
