
Apply for money from the platform SLU Future Animals, Nature and Health

Published: 05 April 2018
A gray cat on a wood pile outdoors, photo.

You can now apply for funding for a conference, workshop or seminar from the SLU Future animals, nature and health platform.

The platform's focus areas are:

  • Animals and Nature's impact on human health
  • One Health
  • Animal health and welfare

 The activity should be cross-disciplinary / multidisciplinary, within the focus areas of the platform and have a future perspective. You can apply for between 20,000 SEK to 100,000 SEK and the application period is 2018-2020. 

Read more about the criteria for the application and the application form.

Welcome with your application!

The SLU Steering Committee of the platform Future Animal, Nature and Health and Lena Lidfors, Program Manager. 

SLU Future Animals, Nature and Health 
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 
