
Apply for seed money from SLU Future Food

Published: 21 March 2018

Now you can apply for seed money from SLU Future Food to write applications to Formas, Vetenskapsrådet and SLF.

SLU Future Food will grant 50 000 SEK each to ca ten applications for seed money. For two of these applications, priority will be given to projects on insects for human consumption or insects as feed to livestock.

Seed money for writing applications apply to the following calls (please note that the deadline for submission below refers to the final date for applying for seed money from SLU Future Food):

  • Formas: Årliga öppna utlysningen - Forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt, deadline April 5
  • Formas: Nationella forskningsprogrammet för livsmedel: Forskningsprojekt, deadline April 5
  • Formas: Nationella forskningsprogrammet för livsmedel: Proof-of-Concept projekt, deadline April 5
  • Vetenskapsrådet: Bidrag till tvärvetenskapliga forskningsmiljöer, deadline May 2 maj
  • Stiftelsen lantbruksforskning (SLF): Öppna utlysningen 2018 Steg 1, deadline May 2

The application must be completed and sent to on the respective closing date (please see above) at the latest.

Download the application form here.

What do we mean by interdisciplinary research?

Multi- inter-, and transdisciplinary research is here defined as research that comprises theory, method or research approaches from more than one scientific discipline or fields of research. In multidisciplinary research the different theories, methods or approaches are used side by side, and in interdisciplinary research they are, at least to some extent, integrated. Transdisciplinary research is distinguished in its recognition and inclusion of other types of knowledge than scientific knowledge, such as practice and experience based knowledge and knowhow.



  • The project leader must work at SLU
  • The project must address a long-term sustainability challenge for the food system
  • Our definition of interdisciplinary science must be met
  • Proof of submission of the application shall be obtained by SLU Future Food before payment of the seed money is made.

The Head of Department or "ämnesansvarig" at the relevant Department should be contacted to ensure that the project contributes to the development of research and / or contributes to the qualification of the staff or development of teaching skills.

Persons who do not belong to SLU may be included in projects and activities, but the applicant must always be linked to SLU and projects and activities should have SLU as a sender.