
New postdoc will investigate bioactive compounds

Published: 18 June 2018

From June 2018, Viktoriia Burkina joined the Department of Molecular Sciences at SLU as a postdoctoral researcher. Viktoriia received her PhD in the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice in 2014 on the topic “Pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment and their effects in fish”.

At SLU, she will work in the group “Bioactive compounds” together with Associate Professor Galia Zamaratskaia. Her research activity started with identification of cytochrome 450 enzyme activities in various fish tissues. Later, she will investigate how these activities are regulated by dietary factors in different species.

– This is very important to find the optimal animal species to serve as a model for studies on interactions between bioactive compounds and cytochrome 450. Additionally, initial studies using in vitro approach prior to the in vivo study will effectively minimise the number of animals required to verify interactions in the second step, says Viktoriia.

– We are pleased to welcome Dr. Viktoriia Burkina as a new member of our research group. The results of her work will contribute to our understanding of regulation of detoxification processes by bioactive compounds from plant-based food and feed, says Galia Zamaratskaia.


Galia Zamaratskaia, Senior Lecturer and External Collaboration Specialist
Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU 18 67 20 05