
New livestock projects to support the translation of science into policy and practice

Published: 18 September 2018

During 2018-1029 AgriFoSe2030's Theme 4, Livestock-keeping among smallholders for a nutritious diet and increased food security, has awarded funding to three new projects in order to translate science into policy and practice.

Theme 4 in AgriFoSe2030 supported ten different sub-projects during 2016-2017 covering different challenges related to livestock production, food security and a nutritious diet. Together these sub-projects contributed to the overall goal of making practical use of scientific results.

– This is an important contribution, but we need to go further along the impact pathway to translate science into policy and practice, says theme leader Sofia Boqvist. 

During 2018 and 2019, the livestock theme has awarded funding to three sub-projects to support the next step in the translation of science into policy and practice. The sub-projects are:

  1. Improved goat keeping among smallholders for a nutritious diet and increased food security
  2. Promoting Jersey breed Artificial Insemination service for improved livelihoods in small-holder dairy farming households in Central Uganda (JAILU)
  3. Edible insects for food security and health- from practice to evidence and policy implications (INSFOH)

– We are very exited to start these new projects as a part of Theme 4 in AgriFoSe2030. Hopefully, the projects will help translating science into policy and practice, says Sofia Boqvist.


AgriFoSe2030 Theme 4 - Livestock-keeping among smallholders for a nutritious diet and increased food security

This theme aim to fight nutrient deficiency by increasing productivity in animal production, find mechanisms to facilitate inclusion of poor smallholders in markets to ensure profitable sale of their products and develop animal production systems and markets that benefit women and young people.

Read more about Theme 4 here.

Related pages:


Portrait photo of a woman, photo.Sofia Boqvist, Associate Professor

Programme Director of AgriFoSe2030
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, SLU
Phone: +46 18-67 23 88, +46 72-240 34 94




