
Three new projects at the department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment funded by Formas

Published: 02 December 2019
Rain drops on a water surface. Photo.

Two projects about nutrients and one about antibiotics have been granted three million SEK each by Formas. Main applicants are Chris Evans, Faruk Djodjic and Foon Yin Lai.

Drivers And Effects of Modified Nutrient Stoichiometry from Source to Sea (DEAMONS)

Chris Evans, guest professor at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, has been granted three million SEK in Formas’ annual open call for research projects. The project will investigate nutrient and carbon flows and how the ratio between these substances changes from soils, through freshwaters and into the coastal areas.

Co-applicants from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment are Martyn Futter and Mike Peacock. The other co-applicants are Sofia Hjalmarsson from DHI Sweden, Sara Jutterström, Filip Moldan and Johanna Stadmark from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Dolly Kothawala from Uppsala University. Chris Evans is also professor at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) in Bangor, Wales.

Targeting Low-Sorption Soils to reduce phosphorus losses (TiRELeSS)

Faruk Djodjic, Associate Professor at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, has been granted three million SEK in Formas’ annual open call for research projects. The project will target and investigate risk areas for leaching of dissolved phosphorous.

Co-applicants are Lars Bergström and Magdalena Bieroza at the Department of Soil and Environment and Yongfeng Hu at Canadian Light Source.

Stopping spreads of antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotics from on-site sewage facilities to the groundwater (STOP-ARG)

Foon Yin Lai, post doc at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, has been granted three million SEK in Formas’ annual open  call for research projects. The project will investigate if there is a problem with pollution of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes from on-site sewage facilities. 

Co-applicants from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment are Karin Wiberg and Lutz Ahrens. The other co-applicants are Björn Vinnerås and Annika Nordin at the Department of Energy and Technology.